Chapter 1

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As Aairah entered the cafe the aroma of brewing coffee and the freshly baked chocolate cake breezed together in her nostrils. She was zoning out with the aroma when a sudden realisation hit her. Aairah checked the watch and rushed to the kitchen to find the cheerfully smiling Jenny aunty greeting her good morning.

“Here have some coffee and Fill your energy tank because today we need to keep our nose to the grindstone" she said gritting “And as expected I know you would be late so I had already put the sponge in the oven now we need to get started with the frosting and the decoratives so that we can finish on time"

“That’s so sweet of you AJ and I am really sorry for being late on such hectic day as well. You know right my sleep never cordinates” she replied chuckling.

“Its alright Beta”. Aunt Jenny’s Beta in French accent was always a comical one and aairah's favourite. She was a lady in her mid 40's but her bubbly personality and the level of enthusiasm never matched her age. Working with her was always made fun for aairah and she learnt many things from her. Ever since the opening cafe aairah wanted a baker who can help her through the work and teach her as well and AJ completed all her criteria and handled the cafe very well.

It was the Montreal’s famous businessman James’s birthday and the order for the best cake was given to aairah as the owner of 'The Chocolate Factory'.Being the small cozy cafe in the central of Canada it was build amidst the huge buildings under the overcast skyline. The interior of cafe was warm and cheery with bright colourful walls and glass tables just perfectly designed by Aairah.

As it was 1:06 pm notification for Zuhr beeped and Aairah immediately performed wudu and prayed in the small section made for prayer by the corner of the kitchen. While constructing the cafe she specially mentioned to keep a section to pray after all the one bestowing this blessings calls us and no matter what it shouldn’t be skipped for this temporary world.

Work was done the cake was delivered and the thought of heading home itself lit up aairah’s mood. She craved the hot shower after long tiring day followed by the delicious dinner to go nom nom and mostly importantly she was impatient to meet her muchkin after 2 long months.

Aairah push the bell ding dong and Boooooooooo......

“Woaahhhh I got scared baby" Aairah said trying to act as best as she can though her acting skills failed undeniably.

“Why aal uh late appi" with her hands on her tiny waist and her expressions ! Let alone this 3 years toddlers do the drama queens.

“Awww my baby I missed you so very much come on now give me a kiss and I will give you a surprise" Aairah engulfed her cousin to such a dearly hug. She always wished for a baby sister but being a single child Allah fulfilled her wish in the form of Haniya; her youngest cousin.

“Muaahhhh now gimme my surprise my appi” Haniya busted with joy pouting with those adorable chubby cheeks and thin pink lips with innocence that would melt anyone's heart.

“So who wants to eat these pizza with extraaaaa cheese and these delicious chocolate cupcakes?”

“Yayyyy me me me Jazak Allah khair appi you aal the best"

“Ahm Ahm if yours imperative sisters meet is over so I would like to remind you Aairah that Hey even I am here" chided in a smiling face.

“Ohh Assalamualykum chachi your daughter is so mesmerising I just cant have enough of her and dont worry we are going to have a long chit chat session cause you are going to tell me everything about your journey to Europe in detail from start to end ok ?”

“Sure why not but at least first go and freshen up since 1 hour we were waiting for you and I am seriously famished and I just cant wait anymore”

“Oh yea just give me 15 minutes I will catch you'll at dinner table and haniya make sure you dont finish those pizza alone ok forget not I am here”

Aairah raced up to her room freshen up changed in her PJs and joined the family at dinner table. Alhumdulliah was the first thing she said on eyeing the era of joy in the house. Being only daughter in the house it was a simple routine of 3 people including mom dad and herself to live a boring life but when haniya comes along The home seems to hustle and bustle with happiness.

Aairah fed her cousin with her own hands making sure that she eats until full. Aairah’s cheeks felt the colour of crimson and her heart beat skipped on hearing the next words that escaped her chachi's mouth.

“Ma Shaa Allah Aairah would make a great mother as well as an amazing wife! I guess its time we should start our hunt for her One and only Hunk ;)”

Everyone had a hearty laugh but the thought itself was enough for Aairah to trance in her thoughts wandering in her La La Land day dreaming of having her own family.

'A Family with Him.'♡

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