Chapter 2

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Aairah's POV

With every swing of the soft breeze and the silence lingering in the sky I yearned for peace. To shun the bundle of nerves the best way is to turn to the one contriving this four chambers. Surrounded by the shining stars Talking to Almighty was undoubtedly distinct accord. Indeed he listens and He knows what is in every heart even though I am not able to word it. Shiver runs down my adrenaline and my pulses pounding up and down as I raise my hands to pray for him; for this day. I dont know what this day will bring for me or what his answer will be but one thing was sure that I am going to still love him the same.

"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows while you know not" (2:216). These words of Allah always ensured me that indeed Allah is the best of planners. I may wish for the one I love but only he knows who really deserves my love. Though I love Aabaan since last 8 years I know Allah will unite us only if we are meant to be. For the world he is ruthless egoistic cold hearted man but For me he was completely perfect along with his flaws also.

Pouring my heart in sujood I didnt even realised when Fajr passed and dawn's early petals of golden lights were spreading its shine in the blue sky. Those rays not only enlightened the sky but my hopes as well. With every passing moment I wished for my best beginning like this sunrise and to end it with the calm and ease like the sunsets and to seal the feel the best way is to pen down my emotions with my one and only best friend and the best secret keeper. My diary !

One Fine Day

When sun will kiss the horizon
And enter the dusk zone.

When birds will rest in their nest
Gratified and Glad away from the rest.

When the leafs of the trees will start to fade
Resting beside you I will thank my fate.

The warmth of sunset's charm
Will be embraced in your arms.

The joy of having you as soulmate
Will be pleasuring till vesper late.

Sliding slowly our fingers would grasp
And interlock the gap.

The lock which will be meant forever
Because our hearts would rest in peace
Knowing that you are mine
And I am yours forever.


So guys I know this was a small chapter but it was just a tiny preview of something tremendous coming in the next chapter.
So stay tuned for updates and do comment and tell what do you'll feel about the next thing that Aairah's fate is going to unveil.

Ba bye .

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