Chapter 5

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A gigantic piece of countryside was covered in thick blanket of snow like a soft cushion meddling in the branches of the tree masked in the fragile flurry particles and the wooden benches sparkling like a girdle of white and golden feathers. Glimmers of sun was curtailing through the hefty multitude of clouds yet the zephyrs were swirling in their own amiableness. The park was swamped with the array of people. Airlift trams hoisting above the snow covered cliff and gliding down the skies sprint on the enraged snow making intricate patterns.

For a while Aairah drew blank from all the torment milestone her inner ascetic possessed as her figure skated on the delicate flakes of snow bide in the drift of healing as though she was a sprinkle of colours spreading its own shade on the white unfilled canvas. Amidst the hustle bustle there was jovial ambience. Few peppy faces carping in the zorb balls amusingly whereas few eyes enduring the fascinating ice sculptures striking poses in the locus. Undeniably there was magic in those fragile snow as it never failed to devour the gracious vibes around.

Eventually frazzled and after zesting through every aspect of the festival at last they arrived at the food emporium comprising of the delicacies in groove with the mishmash of aroma's. Keeping in mind about the halal food they strolled through every stall and finally opted for the gourmet food of L'Afghan Grillades.

Sabrina decided to wait on the stall to collect the order and Aairah took a seat on one of the bench round the corner with her face still gleaming with euphoria. Fondled in the aura of scenery Aairah's mind shuffled back to the whim she counted on with regards to Aabaan. Be it relishing the hail of snow in grasp with him or defeating him in rivalry of skating through the cliff of flurry blanket or amouring with him aloft the edge of white mountains. Indeed her fantasy land was hitting her back to the rock bottom. But for sure she wasn't going to bend backwards.

'Fantasy' . . . Such a tiny and pleasing word which makes everything feel magical yet the same small word can be a havoc in disguise. It gives us a hope to dream with open eyes. To hope for the dreams thats going to last even after waking up. Wondering in dreamland we become so lost that we dont know where to stop. And in sake of fantasy we forget the thin line existing between Dreams and Reality. Just a thin line that changes the fantasy to a reality that kills !

"If you dont mind can I sit here ?"

Aairah lost her train of thoughts as she got bolt out of blue on hearing the same husky voice and her eyes did a double take to surmise that the same person constantly residing in her hallucinations was actually standing in front of her. Dumb struck to the conjuncture her tongue tied to reply for his question.

"Oh got it you are still in a black mood for all that happened right ?. Actually I really want to apologise for ..." Aabaan tried to speak but

Deviously refusing to hear his excuses Aairah cut short his words "You can sit." Her coarse tone was enough to signify her miffed fable.

" I will just take your 5 minutes Aairah. I shouldn't had behaved like that I really want to apologise for what ever happened that day. I regret for my words I never even thought of misbehaving like this with you or Uncle and aunty I know I have hurt you and even uncle aunty would be angry on me and why wont they ! it is bound to happen after whatever I said. I am really sorry for the words I said I didnt really meant it I wish I could take it back Trust me it all happened in the heat of the moment. I never meant it."

Aairah's heart beating as fast as it could with her limbs shaking to the shiver. She struggled to mellow out the soft panic. Her stomach knotted as every conversation she had in her fantasy with him now altered to nonvocal. One moment she wanted to suppress her words and neglect his apology because the depths of her thought was beyond anyone's understanding Other moment she wanted to burst out her anger yell at him and let out all her wounded claims yet she lost in the confusion and sat there dumb stroke completely numb to answer.

" Aairah?" Once again Aabaan called out her name.

Aairah has always been self conscious when in public but as of now she gave way for her melancholy to glide through. She sobbed into her hands with tears dripping between her fingers and collapse down onto her lap. Amidst the sobs she gasped to breathe and without even giving a second thought about it she started mumbling in her pleasant voice " I hate you Aabaan. I hate you." With every words her sob increased. "Fine if you didnt had feelings for me but why did you insulted me ? I know I did a mistake of loving you but at least you would have thought about our families. We have known each others since so long. Your rejection didnt hurt me but your words did."

" First of all please stop crying Aairah I am feeling guilty please." Aabaan tried his best to stop the tears caused due to him. "Aairah for god sake listen to me. I agree I said all those words but it was just in the heat of the moment I never meant it Aairah. Stop crying and look at me Aairah ! Fine you like me so much right so please atleast for my sake stop crying its hurting to me to see you like this. Aairah ?."

" Aairah get up we are leaving " Sabrina couldn't take it anymore. Standing there waiting for the conversation was the thing she decided yet she couldn't wait there and watch her friend sob so without being hesitant she walked up to them and commanded Aairah to leave.

" Excuse me May I know who are you working here against the clock" with brows raised Aabaan questioned Sabrina.

Before even Aairah could speak Sabrina derided " Excuse me May I know why do you think I am going to answer a boorish begging questions here ?!"

With a smirk on his face Aabaan retorted " Well you dare not question me Ms. Whoever you are. !"

"Aabaan please she is Sabrina my best friend and you dont have any right to misbehave to her as well. You are repeating the same things once again I feel your sorry is of no use if you dont really mean it." Aairah said.

"Fine aairah listen to me I just want to talk to you personally for five minutes. Samrina or Sabrina whatever her name is please tell her to leave us alone."

" First of all my name is Sabrina not samrina and second thing I ain't leaving you both alone ok ! The things you said to her is enough for her to realise her mistake I am not going to let her cause more blunder. You dont have any feelings for her you rejected her you cleared your side fine. Now I will make sure she will be the one drifting apart from you likewise same is expected from you. So no use of sitting here and twisting your spoken words now its too late for that." Sabrina continued."And one more thing she isnt an ordinary bakery owner she own a trendy cafe running successfully amidst the most demanded commercial area of this central Canada and trust me she is effing good at it. So next time dont even dare you compare her with an ordinary corporate tittle. I hope you get that straight."

Aabaan's fist clenched firm and he tried his best to swallow his anger " Aairah tell her to leave right now"

" No Aabaan you can leave. " Aairah replied to Aabaan as if he was a stranger.

" Fine then Get Lost !"

Aabaan's last words left Aairah completely confused. Just minutes before she saw a supple Aabaan and just now he showed how arduous he can be. It became difficult for Aairah to choose the side she wants to belief.

With a bit of courage Sabrina spoke " Look Aairah I know this may hurt you but I feel you should have known this long back but now that all this has happened Let me tell you. Aabaan loves Emily. It was about a year ago. They wanted to marry each other but Emily being Christian Aabaan's family didn't accepted their relationship. Since then they claim that they have broken up officially but they haven't. They are hiding their relation. And I know all this because Emily is the CFO of the company I am currently working in. This might hurt you but accept it ! He loves Emily so no use of hoping anything from him. They are quiet happy in their life so even you should move on ok ?! And take a look at Emily's insta story. Here also they were enjoying the festival together.

Strolling through the photos Aairah couldnt control her tears. Feeling silence in her soul. Her blood felt cold. The synapse let her mind stand still. After all her anaesthesia of false hope was none less than waiting for spring blossoms in an autumn season.

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