Chapter 4

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Ask the silent sky who heard the hovering of my each and every tear
Ask the stars who heard your name in every wish
Ask those dawns who heard my dream whispers of being with you but
The only one who didn't got a hold on my love was you
Were you so Deaf ?

Thousands of people around but no one brought the sparkles
in my eyes which your eyes evoked
So many faces to smile but none crept my blush to crimson
The way your presence did
Even the people who would meet me for the first time would see the reflection
of your Love in my eyes but
The only one who didn't got hold of my love was you
Were you so Blind ?

Plenty of people around to hang with but no one created the jitters which
Just the thought of holding your hand gave
An arcane girl broke down in front of you flooded with tears
That were holding the grip in eyes since so long
Each and every person felt the descend of
The ripped heart that day but
The only one who didn't got hold of my love was you
Were you so Heartless ?

I know Aabaan you will never know about this and neither you will be able to answer my questions. But at least once just once ask your heart what ever happened was right you really didnt had even a bit of feelings for me ?

'Bro just shut this door open or else I can flung in with a broken door and wont even amend for the damage ok'

It was the notification beep that shifted Aairah's gaze from her diary to her phone and reading the text she rushed to open the main door.

"Huh what makes you so melodramatic Sabrina cant you act normally at least sometimes ?!" without being hesitant she questioned a nerd standing on the white icing like street covered in snow shrouded in sweat shirt and muffler.

"Seriously Aairah I am acting melodramatic ! Since last one week you have evanished you are not even replying to my text or calls ! I just checked up on your cafe so AJ informed you are sick. I came here walking 2 blocks in this freezing whether and waiting outside ringing door bell and you wont even bother to open the door At last I texted you that so you are here. You only tell me what else am I suppose to do ?"

"I am sorry actually I was upstairs so may be I didnt heard it." Though living in a two storey house with sounds echoing across the room this was the best excuse Aairah could give.

With Taping of foot and folded arms along with a stiff look on her face it was clearly evident that Sabrina was fuming with anger for the nuisance her friend was up to "So where is aunty even she isnt home ?!"

"Mom and Dad have gone for lunch at chacha's place and they will return by evening. " Aairah slowly mumbled.

"You mean you didnt joined them to meet Haniya also?" Sabrina was always quick in understanding when a person is beside himself and perceiving those puffy tired eyes She was sure something was wrong with her best friend.

" I am not feeling well Sabrina I said you right." Eye contacts were definitely not Aairah's cup of tea because even if her lips lied her eyes was clear enough to peek through her pain.

"This cant be ! You never act like this whenever sick and I just cant believe you didnt went to meet Haniya ! Seriously ! Now I am damn sure something is fishy Bro come on faster Spill the beans."

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