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Dan's *POV*

I sit in my bedroom on the side of my bed, dressed in nothing but grey boxers. It's currently dark out and I have closed the huge shutters over the glass walls of my room along with all of the other glass walls. I stare down blankly at my hands as they shake.

I bring one hand up to my lips, feeling them lightly. I drop my hand as a tear strolls down my face as I realize that I may never see Kyle again. We both are jobless now and I don't even have his number.

Suddenly I revived a text from the judges at the auditions from the night before. The text read that I had gotten the part of Frank, but at the moment I don't give two shits. I throw my phone down on the white carpeting on my floor, starting to cry as I think about Kyle.

My phone screen lights up notifying me that I have another text. I slowly stand up and walk to my phone. It's the judges again telling me that the first show is in a week and I need to show up at eight tomorrow night for costume sizing and my script for rehearsal which is the day after tomorrow.

I text back thanking them for the information. I set my black iPhone on my wooden night stand, as I lay down in bed, and drift to sleep.

- - - -

In the middle of the night I am awaken by a ding coming from by phone. I lean myself up onto my elbow and I turn to look at my alarm clock.

4:37 am.

I let out a heavy sigh as I reach over to grab my phone off of my nightstand. I look at my screen confused.

I had received a text from an unknown number. The text reads:

From: Unknown

I'm really sorry if this wakes you up. It's 4:36 and all I can do is think about you.

I text back asking who it is, although I had an idea of who it was. The immediately text back saying:

From: Unknown

It's Kyle. I got my number from Will.

After reading this I became really confused. How the bloody hell does Kyle know my best mate? I text him back asking how he knew Will.

Suddenly I remember the Will didn't even want me to go to work today because he did not want my around Kyle. Something's up. Kyle and Will are obviously friends. Kyle answers back saying that it's known of my business. I save Kyle into my contacts with a broken heart emoji before I call him.

Kyle: Hello?

Me: Kyle, what's the deal, mate?

Kyle: . . .


Kyle: *sighs* What deal are you talking about, Daniel?

Me: Kyle, don't you dare play dumb with me.

Kyle: Dan, look. It's obvious to both of us that I have a thing for you. But I don't think we can be together. We just met each other almost a week ago and there's things about me that you-

Me: That I what, Kyle!


Me: Kyle... *sniffs*

Kyle: Look outside.

The other end drops dead. I fling the heavy white comforter off of me and I sprint to the window.

Outside I see Kyle, his cheeks wet with a small smile on his face. A big smile grows on my lips and I rush down the thin wooden steps. I didn't care that I was only in my underwear, I am just glad Kyle is here since I thought I wouldn't see him again.

Bursting through my front door, I sprint towards Kyle and I jump into his arms, embracing him tightly. I lay my head on his shoulder, my face in the crook of his neck, taking his scent in. I feel him lay his head on mine and he lets out a small chuckle.

"My face is being attacked by your hair, Daniel." I laugh along with him, bringing my head up to look into his eyes. Suddenly my smile fades as I remember what he had said. I let go of him and I start walking back towards my flat. "Dan? Why are you leaving?" Kyle asks, really confused, his voice full of concern.

Not turning around to face him, I stop in my place, dropping my head down, and sighing heavily. "Kyle, you know why. And besides, it's bloody freezing, and if you haven't noticed, I am standing out here in only boxers."

I hear Kyle's footsteps get louder as he nears me, "Dan, trust me. I want us to have something, but you don't want to be close to me. Trust me. And besides, we hardly know each other."


"Dan, I... I just can't." He chokes, look down at his shoes.

"GOD DAMN YOU, KYLE! CAN'T YOU TELL YOU ARE TEARING ME APART?!" We are now face to face, about and inch away from each other. All of a sudden, I push Kyle, anger and sadness filling and taking over my body.

"DAN, TRUST ME! I WANT TO BE WITH YOU!" Kyle yells, tears now streaming down his face, "BUT... but-"

"BUT WHAT?!" I scream, my chest burning with pain, hurt, anger, and sadness.

"I CAN'T, DANIEL! I DON'T... idon'twanttohurtyou." His yelling becomes hushed as he looks at me, noticing how bad he already has hurt me.

"YOU ALREADY HAVE HURT ME, DAMN IT!" Next thing I know Kyle has his arms around me. Still pissed, I try to push him off but it is no use. He's too strong, or I'm just too damn exhausted.

"Dan, I know. Believe me, I am truly sorry." He whispers into my hair.

"Than show me. Kiss me as if it is going to be your last time seeing me. Because trust me, this is your last." I look up seeing a sad look on his face but the slightly smirks.

"Challenge excepted." He grips my hand tightly, dragging me inside my flat. Suddenly, his eyes turn dark as he leads me to the living room. He pins me to one of the glass walls, his lips slamming into mine. His hands grip my face as one of my hands wraps around the back of of his neck, the other running through his hair.

Kyle grabs my legs, lifting them up, and wraps them around his waist. He trails down to my neck, biting and sucking at the sensitive skin. I light moan escapes my lips as his nips at my neck one last time before he moved back to kissing my roughly. Next the I know, I am being carried to my white couch, and I am thrown into it, Kyle crawling over me. His body hovers over mine, a smirk plastered on his lips.

I pull his head down, wanting him. He starts biting and sucking at my collar bone now, leaving small bruises all over my body.

Next thing I know, Kyle and I had fallen asleep. He was laying slightly on top of me, his head in my chest.

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now