epilogue prt. 1

130 9 1

One year later...

Dan's *POV*

The woman screams as I stand above her, pressing the gun to the center of her forehead. Without flinching, I pull the trigger planting the bullet inside her brain and letting it snuggle itself in there. A smirk grows on my lips as droplets of blood splatter onto my face before taking my hand and wiping it off.

"Forty." I tell myself as I twirl the gun around in my hand before putting in my pocket, and slowly walking away, "Forty kills since Kyle and Ashley. Plenty more to go."

- - - -

"I'm not crazy." I tell myself as I walk back into my house, "I'm. Not. Crazy."

"Oh, but Daniel, my boy, you are. You very much are." Her voice rang up through my ears and into my brain causing me to start panicking.

"Lynn! Why the hell are you in my house?" Switching on the lights, I head into the kitchen where Lynn, Alex, and Brian sat. Stopping in front of her, we make eye contact as her lips curve into the most spine tingling smirk I've ever laid eyes upon.

"You aren't pleasing me with your work, Daniel." She says, taking a step towards me, and grips my chin into her small hand, her eyes burning straight through the back of my skull.

"What?" I ask her, fairly confused as I shrug my shoulders at her, "What the hell do you mean by 'you're not satisfied by my work'? I have been doing every single little thing that the three of you have been telling me and every single fiber of my body aches because I can't stop thinking about last year since - "

"DAN, SHUT. UP!" Alex yells as he stamps his foot upon the tiled floor. I jerk back as Brian raises a hand at me. Lynn holds up her left hand signaling to them to stop.

"You have one more opportunity, Daniel." Lynn looks back at me, her face stiff with all seriousness, "But you're going to have to do something you won't like." Her tone drops at the end of her sentence before she clears her throat before starting again, "You need to kill Ella. She knows too much."

At this point, my guard was fully raised. I start to back away from them, my hand reaching behind me for the counter, trying to find a knife. I take hold of one and hide it behind my back as I keep backing away. The three of them come closer and I knew that if I didn't do this they would kill me and frame Ella or they would kill Ella themselves and frame me.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I yell as the come closer and closer. Once I figured they weren't going to listen, I swing the knife out from behind my back and plant it inside the center of Lynn's skull. My heart sinks as I watch her lifeless body drop to the floor. Brian, Alex, and I all stop dead in our tracks, our eyes not moving from each other's gazes. Next thing I know, my hand shoots out for my gun that lay on the small round table by the door before jetting out of the house.

Soon enough I hear the boys firing their guns at me as I sprint down the street. I turn around, stopping to fire once, but I soon regret it as I feel the sharp sting of a sizzling bullet enter the lower left side of my stomach. The blow causes my body to fall onto the gravel. Alex and Brian catch up to me, the two of them holding the noses of their guns to my head.

I kick the two of them off of me, and collide my gun to the temple of Brian's head, knocking him out cold. Stepping over to Alex, I fight him onto the gravel and place my gun on his forehead. "Go to hell, you son of a bitch." My finger presses against the trigger, a bang mixed with a crack from his skull echoes through the streets as the bullet implants into his brain.

My heart stops as I hear the familiar sound of police sirens coming up from around the corner. Before running, I get to my feet, aim my gun at Brian's head, and pull the trigger.

"Shit." I say under my breath as five cops park behind and in front of me.


A sigh escapes my lips as a cop throws me against his car, placing handcuffs around my wrists.

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