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Halsey's/Ashley's *POV*

It's been a few hours since I had brought Dan to the hospital. The waiting room is surprisingly full for this time of night, so I have been waiting at the end of the hall in which Dan is staying. Suddenly my attention is placed on a voice from around the corner. I look up and away from the shiny, white tile flooring, and in the direction from where I hear the panicked voice. Thinking that it would take a while before a doctor tells me it's okay to see him, I head down the hall towards the voice.

"TELL ME WHERE THE HELL DANIEL CAMPBELL SMITH IS STAYING! NOW!" The man shouting in front of the operator behind the desk seems to be sobbing by his shaking voice and hands.

"Hello? Who are you? Dan never said 'bout a guy in his life. He only told me about his step-sister..." I speak up, inching a bit closer towards the man. He turns around and I automatically take a step back, hands cupping over my mouth, "NO! YOU ARE PROHIBITED TO SEE DAN! GET OUT! NOW!" I shout, tears building in my eyes as I notice his features from Dan's stories.

"Wait...Halsey?" The man so called Kyle stares at me in shock while I stare at him with hurt and anger, "How the hell do you know my boyfriend?"

"YOU'RE BOYFRIEND?!" I scoff, "After everything you put him through you believe you have the audacity to call Dan your boyfriend?!" I let out a small chuckle, "You are so pathetic!"

I look into Kyle's eyes. You can clearly see the anger, disgust, and sadness in them. "How dare you call me pathetic! I love him - "

"It sure don't seem like you love him." I interrupt, crossing my arms, "Like I said, you cannot see him. That's final." I tell him. Holding my head high, I turn around and I start walking back towards his room, "And one more thing," I say, stopping, and looking over my shoulder, "He doesn't want to see you ever again." And with that, I leave him hurt and heart broken.

- - - -

"Ashley?" Dan breathes out as his eyes meet mine. Dan had woken up about an hour ago and I had told him about my incident with Kyle, "Please don't leave me..." Also, I had told him that I had gotten a call from my manager. I had to start my America tour and I was going to spend my breaks with family.

I take Dan's hand into mine, tears building in my eyes, "Daniel, after only spending the night with you, I feel like we have known each other for years. I love you with all my heart and just hearing you say that breaks my heart."

Suddenly, the doctor walks in and gives Dan a sheet of paper telling him to bring it to a pharmacy to get some pills, and with that, he is released from the hospital. I call up Dan Reynolds from Imagine Dragons to pick us up sense I am touring with them.

- - - -

We get to the hotel, both of us exhausted. "You can stay here for a couple more days if you want. I'm going to give the hotel some more money for you."

"Ashley, you don't have to do that you know." Dan says with a smile.

"But you see, I wanted to." I bring him in for a hug. Next thing I know, my arms are wrapped around his neck, our eyes meeting. I lean up crashing my lips into his.

Dan's *POV*

Next thing I know, Ashley smashes her lips onto mine. I kiss back as I back her up to the wall, pinning her arms up. I have always secretly had a thing for Ashley since she had started her music career.

I leave a trail of light kisses down to her neck wear I start to suck and bite, trying to leave my mark.

- - - -

I wake up the next morning naked. "Shit." I mutter to myself as I get up. I scurry to my boxers and slip them on. Suddenly I notice that Ashley is no where to be seen. "Ashley?" I ask as I gather my clothes. I stop once I notice that her bag is gone. A small slip of paper and a large wad of cash catches my attention from the corner of my eye. Walking over to the paper, I pick it up, and skim it.

She had already left. Without saying goodbye.

Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now