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"Kyle is going to kill us."

"Shut up, Chris! He won't kill us because he isn't going to find out!"

"What about that Ashley chick?"

"There's no way she could escape. She doesn't even know who we are and she's too stupid to know where Daniel is. Besides, we are going to kill her anyways."

"Let's just kill him like we did with Ralph so he doesn't escape and go off and tell anyone or go back to Kyle so that they could run off again."

"No. We need him alive."


"We just do! Okay? Do you all understand me?!"

"Shut up, Will! I think he's waking up."

"Let him see."

Light burns my eyes as someone removes the brown sack off of my head. I blink rapidly as tears form in my eyes from the light. As my vision begins to clear, I am greeted by three recognizable faces. I swear my heart stopped for a moment as I realize who has been chasing us this whole time and how I have finally been caught.

I might die today. Kyle and Ashley would never see me again. The only thing they would remember is the horrible way I treated them.

Tears start forming in my eyes at the belief that I was betrayed and the thought that I was going to die.

"Untie him and follow me. Keep him close." Will tells the others. I give him and Chlöe hurt looks, but it doesn't seem to phase them, except for Chris who seems pretty uncomfortable. I squeeze my eyes shut as the rip the silver duct tape off of my mouth and as the cut the rope that kept me tied to the chair, "accidentally" leaving varied size cuts in my arms. The two of them keep my hands tied as they grab me by the arms and follow Will down a long narrow hall as I kick and scream, trying to break free. Tears prick my eyes and stream down my cheeks as Chlöe and Chris sink their fingers into my cuts, but I continue to scream and kick in attempt to break free.

Will leads us out a doorway where we are lead to a group of people that are circling around a tall pillar with someone tied to it. I stop my screaming, gasp for breath, and sink through the fog as I try to see who it is. My eyes widen and the screams reoccur as I see the short blue hair and the sound of her voice, raspy from screaming.

As they bring me closer, The fog becomes thinner, and I see her tied to a log with twigs around her. Her body glistening with sweat, her chest raising and dropping from yelling and screaming, her body covered in dirt and blood, dressed in a short black top, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. She looks at me with fear, sadness, and anger in her eyes as Will stops in front of her with Chlöe and Chris stopping so that the three of us are on his left.

The place is silent. Ashley and I stare at each other, our breathing the only sound heard. I rip my eyes away and look at the people dressed like Will, Chlöe, and Chris. From a distance, I swear there were faces in the bushes, but I slightly shook my head telling myself that I am imagining things.

My eyes go to Will as I see him smirk up at her. "LET THE TORCHING BEGIN!" He shouts with joy as he raises his arms above his head.

"WHAT?" I squeal in a raspy voice as I squirm in their tight grip. Chris leans into my ear, his lips slightly touching my skin, "I'm going to cut you loose. Hit Chlöe and I and run up to her. Run away. Far away." He whispers as I feel the rope's grip slowly loosen on my my wrists. The people circling around the pillar start walking towards Ashley with lit torches in each hand.

The rope around my wrists fall to the dirt and Chris places the pocket knife in my hand. Turning swiftly around, I stand Chlöe in the stomach and punch her in the face. I then turn to Chris and we quickly nod at each other before and punch him, and I head up to Ashley.

Taking the pocket knife, I hurriedly start cutting the rope around her wrists as I watch the people come nearer and nearer. Suddenly, Will starts running towards us. Panicking, I take the knife, sliding it across his throat, warm blood, spouting on my face. I felt guilt deep in my throat but I continue to cut until I hear the rope snap and the two of us join hands.

People dressed similar to Ashley jump out of the bushes, attacking the people with torches. Ashley and I run past them and into the forest, some people following as we run off into the night.

- - - -

Chlöe's *POV*

I wake up wearing and hardly able to breathe. A scream escapes my lips as I slowly sit up. Looking down, I notice my stomach bleeding. I rip off part of Chris' shirt, whom is still passed out, and press it onto the wound. The place is a wreck and the two bastards are gone.

Looking up by the pillar, I notice a lump laying there. A gasp escapes me as I approach it, noticing that it's Will, and his throat is slit.

Finally, I am independent and I can kill the three of them much faster by following my own directions. I grab a gun I find laying in the dirt and I head into the forest.

- - - -

Dan's *POV*

Next thing I know, I am back in the empty gravel lot, Ashley right behind me.

I stare into the distance, breathing hard, eyebrows furrowed. I hear Ashley's boot crunch over the gravel, but before she could say anything I turn around and raise my right hand in the air, waving her off. Sighing, I bring my hand down, and I pinch the bridge of my nose, frustrated.

"You too?" I ask her, picking my head back up, and making eye contact with her.

She shrugs and crosses her arms over her chest, "What the hell do you mean, Daniel?"

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN, ASHLEY FRANGIPANE!" She run left hand through her hair, her right arm still crossed over her chest as I wait for a reply.

"What do you expect, Dan? You befriended a psychopath. Not just me, Will, and Chlöe. I'm taking about Kyle." She crosses her arms once more and raises an eyebrow, excepting me to know this.

"HE FORCED ME TO BE HIS FRIEND! HE IS THE ONE THAT BEFRIENDED ME FIRST!HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW ANY OF THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?!" I stop and take a deep breath the calm myself down before continuing, "I met him at work and I didn't even want to be his friend. I had a normal life once I quit my music career until he came along and that one time I got 'mugged'. He got me into this shit, I didn't get myself into it."

"You have a point, Dan, but you could have gotten a new job, and you could've continued at the theater to play your role as Frank N. Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. You could have done so much more."

"There would still be no escape! I was told that no matter what, they still would have gone after me! Not just the main three, but also Kyle! Ralph might not have been dead if I took a different path, but you know, shit happens, and I'm happy that I found you two."

"You're cheating on him with me. That's not a very loyal relationship."

I throw my arms in the air, "Are you kidding me? My relationship with Kyle would never be normal. Ever! And anyways I would have never met you if it wasn't for him tossing me on the streets."

"Dan," Ashley says in a peaceful tone as she walks towards me and once she's close enough, she slides her hands into mine, staring into my eyes, "Run away with me?"







Unseen {Bastille: Dyle} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now