Accepted Category (Sci-fic & Teen-fic)

47 8 4

Science Fiction Category
Judge 1:

Future Bullets and other Takes by WadeRideout

The Spinning by MadeenahJunaid

The Element Chronicles by Book_Fangirl_13

The Girl Who Never Lived by Madinah_Writes

Voltaic by ZapZac27

Science Fiction Category
Judge 2:

Hidden in the Oasis strawberry1d

Teen Fiction Category
Judge 1:

Behind Her Smile by

High School Bash by hikmarht

Unending Faults by herself14

The Princess and the Archer by Book_Fangirl_13
The Boy In Her Dreams by Benzita13

Teen Fiction Category
Judge 2:

What's Wrong With My Fan by ViniShah2

The Golden Heir by mugglebooks

Don't Forget To Follow Your Judges. Good luck!

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