Romance Result 1

66 9 4

Dear writer,
I want you to know that, you are very talented and creative, the way you are. If you get a negative comment on your book, I urge you not to get offended. Instead, work it out with your novel and make sure it's best, among the rest. Although, there's no perfect. Try to make your work(s) as perfect as you can. Good luck, romance participants!

1. The Heartbreak by Chemmajorie

Title: 10/10
Cover: 3/10
Description: 6/10
Grammar: 5/10
Setting: 8/10
Plot: 9/10
Overall enjoyment: 9/10
Is the participant a follower? : No- 0/20
Total: 50/90
Position: 5th

The title is inline with the story. The book cover is without an author's name, and book title, which is unfair for the story. It looks plain. Though, the picture suits the theme of the plot. It was a wonderful write up, but but there is so much grammatical errors. Its hard to try not to notice it. There's also poor capitalisation and wrong use of punctuation marks.

However, the setting is wonderful. The author does a good job of not just telling the story but showing it. Despite the fact that she jumps time occasionally, it doesn't appear hurried or rushed.
Despite the turn offs from the grammar and punctuation, I enjoyed the rather short and brilliant story. It was a great read.

2. The Wall Between Us by vanessallosa

Title: 10/10
Cover: 10/10
Description: 10/10
Grammar: 9/10
Setting: 9/10
Plot: 10/10
Overall enjoyment:10/10
Is the participant a follower? : No- 0/20
Total: 68/90
Position: 3rd

The title is totally for this book though, I haven't read so much yet. The title clearly indicates the seperatuon between the characters. The cover is just so.... Insightful! I love it. Your description is also an intriguing one. When I looked it up, I was tempted to read the book a second time. Lol! For the grammar, there is just a subtle mistakes here and there. It can be adjusted with a little editing. You did a great job, taking us into the phenomenal world of the characters intensely with very descriptive sentences and interesting dialogues.

Moving to the plot, I was more curious to know where the story was heading. It made me glued to the edge of my seat and the story flows smoothly from one chapter to chapter without losing any of its irradiance.

However, this novel was one that I actually enjoyed and would love to recommend. I look forward to the rest of the chapters. Keep it up, author!

3. When Night Falls by Diorouqe

Title: 8/10
Cover: 10/10
Description: 10/10
Grammar: 8/10
Setting: 9/10
Plot: 9/10
Overall enjoyment: 9/10
Is the participant a follower? : Yes- 20/20
Total: 83/90
Position: 1st

The title is totally exotic and morassing. It gives a dark impression which actually incorporate into the novel and I love it. Your book cover is bold, beautiful, intricate and entrapping... All in a good way. I love the way the colour matches the dark dangerous theme, thereby, making it click worthy. The description is concise, yet detailed. You did a great job!

Now, grammar. This is the only thing I find faulty with the story. I know nothing about the writing style you choose, but I find you switching tenses often. It's a major turnoff. I am not a professional editor, but your book still leaves me in perplexity and confusion every now and then.

Again, you took us through the story, along side the characters in a very expressive way that can easily get us lost within the world you created. Its intense, ensnaring and most importantly, it has a voice. The plot is masterfully crafted and page turning. The details are down to earth and overt. I like the way you built tension as the story goes, it leaves high on some sort of explicit euphoria that you created and that is totally amazing. It was a wonderful thing to be lost in the world that you created for a while. I look forward to the rest of the story. Keep the ball rolling, dearest!

4. Meeting the Church Girl by Madinah_Writes

Title: 10/10
Cover: 10/10
Description: 10/10
Grammar: 10/10
Setting: 10/10
Plot: 9/10
Overall enjoyment: 6/10
Is the participant a follower? : Yes- 20/20
Total: 72/90
Position: 2nd

The cover is wonderful and illustrative. The font is beautiful and the texts are legible. But, I think its too monotone and needs some colour!

I love the way the description left some anticipation. When paired with the book cover and the title, its a bomb! However, you did a good job with the grammar and vocabulary. I hardly came across mistakes and most importantly, I learnt some new words.

According to the book setting... It's epic, the way you lead us back and forth between three friends. But, the chapters are sort of bromidic and banal, winding and uninteresting. Don't get me wrong, the dialogues are engaging, but the chapters lack magnitude. They are just old plain Jane.

To be totally honest, I forced myself through six chapters then got fed up because there was nothing to look forward to.

5. His Irreplaceable Love by munisa90

Title: 7/10
Cover: 6/10
Description: 9/10
Grammar: 9/10
Setting: 8/10
Plot: 7/10
Overall enjoyment: 7/10
Is the participant a follower? : Yes- 0/20
Total: 53/90
Position: 4th

The title is totally sync with the book in a while, but I think that is too plaid and overly bromide. It doesn't sound interesting, catchy and drawing. I suggest that you change the book title, maybe. I feel your book deserves a better title. Same goes to the book cover.

The description is nice. You did a better job drawing me to your book than the cover ever would. There are only subtle mistakes and almost nonexistent grammatical errors. The vocabulary used is easy to read and understand. I overly like the approach- maybe because I can't write as good as you, Lol!

The setting of this novel is wonderful, but the writer did fairly well in trying to get the emotions of the character across.
Now, the plot! This is one of the things that I love about this book! The plot sequence has potentials, potentials that the writer is not fully harnessing. The storyline is creative and the idea that the writer presents is titillating. Sorry to say but, the chapters are barely engaging and interesting enough to keep one's interest. They are lacklustre.

Honestly, as I read on, I love where the story is headed, but the non-engaging chapters put me off. There is no intensity.

Let's acknowledge the judge of this category, OmaPhinaPhire. Whether you won or not, please don't unfollow your judge, so you won't lose follows, reads and recognition.
Congratulations to you, guys! D.M me on how to receive your award and rewards.

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