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Welcome to the jugingrubic page! Here, judges will get proper information on how the judging is and should be carried out. Remember, as a judge, you are to be fair and just! Writing isn't an easy job, so is judging. Good luck!
Judging Rubic
Title: ( /10)
In this section, you need to know. Is the story title relevant to the genre? Score according to the title's creativeness on the book cover, and based on the beauty of the font.
Cover: ( /10)
How unique is the book cover? Is the author's name on it? Does the book cover, drawing, character or graphics fits the story or attracts the eyes in a way? It has to be clear and readable.
Description: ( /10)
Make sure the story description is neither too long, not too short. Not a line or a page. Make sure the description is understandable and it gives a brief summary of what the story entails. If there's no description, you know what to do.
Grammar: ( /10)
I know, no one is a hundred percent perfect at writing, but the use of punctuation, vocabulary and fluent English have to be well checked. Are the right tenses used?
Setting: ( /10)
Do the setting help you imagine how clear the action is? Does the author only describe how things look, or they make use of other senses, such as sound, smell, touch and feel?
Plot: ( /10)
After the end of each chapter, is there a cliffhanger? Does the plot looks convincing enough? It has to be original and unique. Make sure the writing is interesting without clichés.
Character Development: ( /10)
Characters are not perfect. They have flaws and vices they might not overcome eventually.
Overall enjoyment: ( /10)
Is the participant following you?: ( /20)
Total: ( /100)
You have to read at least, the three first chapters of each book. Do not rush to give a result! Be fair and just.
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