chapter 6 - possibility?

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Espresso woke up the usual time he woke up, at 7 am in the morning. He went over to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and was about to grab his toothbrush when he saw 2 more toothbrushes. One with parfait printed on it, and another that was yellow and blue. (Not minions toothbrush, although that would be cool).

Why did raspberry and madeliene have to put their toothbrushes in MY cup!? Espresso thought. Espresso grabbed his toothbrush and the cup, tipping it over on to the tiles. Each toothbrush clapped when it hit the floor, making a loud sound. But it didnt seem to bother anyone. He grabbed the toothpaste and spread it on the toothbrush, not noticing affogato behind him.

"Why hello, espresso. Mind telling me who 'madeliene' is?" Affogato asked, leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Leave me alone, affogato." Espresso said, not putting the toothbrush in his mouth yet.

"Well I was actually coming to brush my teeth as well." Affogato said, pushing espresso aside. He reached out to open the cupboard, when someone jumped onto affogatos back. No, it wasnt espresso.

"Crunchy chip, get off me!!" Affogato screamed. But crunchy chip needed revenge upon affogato. He had put his toothbrush in the cupboard, knowing crunchy chip couldnt reach it.

"You put my toothbrush there, I get it back!" Crunchy chip yelled. Affogato was trying to get crunchy chip off his back, but crunchy chip was desperate for his toothbrush. Secretely, he wanted his breath to smell good for a specific cookie. (Wildberry cookie hehe)

"Just go the day without toothbrushing!!" Affogato screamed, trying to push crunchy chips legs off.




"SHUT UP!" Caramel arrow burst into the room, hair messy with dark circles under her eyes.

"Why are you all awake?" Caramel arrow screamed. But crunchy chip and affogato continued to fight and argue. Caramel arrow tried to push past them and grab her toothbrush, but affogato accidentally bumped her hard as he tried getting crunchy chip off.

"Oh thats it!" Caramel arrow tried pulling them both apart, causing a chaos in the bathroom. But it was normal in the cocao kingdom. Espresso would usually have to wait for them to finish fighting, or just brush his teeth over the bathtub. He rolled his eyes, staring at the ground as he waited for them to stop.

"Why are you all screaming!?" Someone suddenly yelled. But it wasnt dark cocao. Espresso looked up, and saw Madeliene in his pajamas with his hair a bit scruffed.

"Shut up, your not apart of this!" Caramel arrow hissed.

"CRUNCHY CHIP GET OFF ME!" Affogato yelled. Madeliene turned his head to espresso, who was staring back. Madeliene used his hands to signal espresso to follow him, and out of curiosity, espresso followed. Madeliene walked over to cocaos room, and went into his bathroom like it was normal.

"Dark cocao let me use it. I thought that you could use it too." Madeliene said.

"Wait, how did you brush your teeth when your toothbrush was in the bathroom?" Espresso asked.

"Thats pure vanillas" Espressos eyes widened, but pretended like he wasnt shocked. Anyway, Espresso was a bit confused on why dark cocao would let madeliene use his bathroom, but he didnt think much of it. He put the toothbrush in his mouth and started brushing. But in the middle of brushing, he noticed madeliene staring at him in the corner of his eye.

"What?" Espresso said, sounding a bit funny because of the toothbrush in his mouth.

"Why did you leave?" Madeliene asked. Espresso was surprised from madelienes sudden question, and he froze. He wanted to tell him the reason, but he also couldnt. He continued brushing, ignoring madeliene.

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