005. doe-eyed as you buried me

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𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

"FAVORITE CRIME!" —𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

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. ! doe-eyes as you buried me ¡ ☁️ʚ˚
[ episode two ]

The next day, Andrea woke up with a slight excited buzz. Her father was returning either tomorrow or later that day and she hadn't seen him in a week. She got out of bed, tying her hair up so she didn't have to wash it yet. She put on a pair of jeans and an oversized hoodie, quickly brushing her teeth, grabbing her bag and bounced down to stairs. Andrea greeted her mother as she handed Andrea her smoothie.

"Thank you." The girl smiled.

"I'm heading to the rink later today, if you wanted a lift to school?" Jennifer told her daughter, who smiled awkwardly.

"I can't." Andrea spoke. "I'm meeting Noa."

"That's fine."

"I'll see you later." Andrea side hugged her mum before putting her shoes on and leaving the house.

Andrea walked down the road, meeting Noa at their usual place. Andrea smiled as a greeting before letting out a small sigh as they walked down the street next to each other.

"How you feeling?"

"About last night." Andrea nodded. "Still slightly guilty but okay. You?"

"Same." Andrea told her. "I was kinda scared if anyone knew that they would hate us, but when I got home last night, Josh had left me a note. It was really sweet."

"You two are adorable." Noa commented. "Why am I the only one who knows?"

"I think Shawn might know too actually." Andrea smiled.

"You know what I mean."

"Our parents would kill us." Andrea stated. "Remember that time that we ate my mum's chocolate pudding after we bunked our first two lessons of the day back in freshman year, and she freaked, and we weren't allowed to see each other for a month because she managed to ground both of us."


"She's be worse if she found out Josh and I were together." Andrea told her with raised eyebrows.



Noa laughed slightly as they made their way towards the school. The two wandered over to where Shawn was. He immediately put his arm around Noa as they stood in the hallway, waiting for the time they needed to go to their lessons.

"You good Drea?" Shawn asked, snapping Andrea out of the daydream she had begun to have. She was staring off down the hallway at someone at the end of the corridor. Josh was stood by the doors to the gym, a small smile on his face as he spoke to his basketball buddies, his smoker friends stood off to the side waiting for the boy to join them.

FAVORITE CRIME  | pretty little liars: original sinWhere stories live. Discover now