Chapter 1

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As (Y/N) and Milla were at their lab they share, they heard a knock on the door which made Milla accidently break something

Milla: "Oopsy!"

It went all quiet until (Y/N) spoke up coming down the stairs

(Y/N): "Me and Milla will be right there!"

(Y/N) and Milla then walked outside and saw their friends at the door

Milla: "Lilac! Carol! Boys!"

(Y/N): "Huh, you guys seem a little awful"

Luke: "Great to see you too"

Lucien then rubbed the back of his head

Lucien: "Heh, sorry it's on late notice, but mind if we crash here tonight?"

Lilac: "Our house was destroyed by this giant robot! And we need a place to stay while we fix up the-"

Carol then interrupted Lilac saying she brought snacks while Luke just looked at her suprised

Luke: "Since when did you bring those when our house-"

Luke was then interrupted as Milla told them

Milla: "Please, come right in! Mi laboratorio es su laboratorio"

(Y/N): "That means, "My laboratory is your laboratory""

Calisplash then started to talk when everyone got suprised

Calisplash: "I forgot to say...My edge has grown blunt"

Lucien then went to a angered look as he looked at Calisplash

Lucien: "Why didn't you tell us earlier ya dull blade?!"

When everyone was inside, they all turned to the door as it was being knocked at

(Y/N): "Comin'!"

(Y/N) then opened the door and let the guests in which appeared to be Neera Li and Ryan, Lucien and (Y/N)'s best friend

Milla: "Oh, Lady Neera! Mr.Ryan! What a suprise!"

Carol: "Woah! What are you two doing here? Did your treehouse get destroyed too?"

(Y/N) and Milla then got scared about what happened the past week

(Y/N): "If this is about the explosion last week, it was a accident!"

Ryan: "It's not about that (Y/N). But Black said we should return to Shang Tu"

Carol: "Wait, "we"? Don't tell me..."

Lucien, Ryan, and Neera then got suprised when Calisplash started talking

Calisplash: "It still will be hard to use my power with a blunt edge!"

Lucien then was unamused when he said it was easy for Calisplash to say that

Calisplash: "We are going to Shang Tu to fix my edge right Lucien?"

Lucien: "We'll get to Shang Tu so we can fix your edge"

He then looked at Ryan and Neera

Lucien: "Lemme guess, it's the Magister wanting us?"

Ryan: "It's best if we talk about why the Magister needs us back at the palace somewhere else"

Lucien: "Alright then, time to head to Shang Tu guys"

As they all went out (Except for Neera and Ryan), Neera was getting closer to Ryan as their lips nearly touched eachother when Ryan was suprised as he and Neera looked behind to see a robot crash through the floor as she looked at Ryan

The return of the hero with a laser gun (Milla X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now