Chapter 9

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Lucien and (Y/N) made it to Merga after destroying the Lunar Cannon and got into a fighting stance when they saw her

Lucien: "Merga!"

(Y/N): "End of the line Merga!"

Merga: "You both should have run"

Magister: "Let there be no more death today, Merga"

(Y/N) then walked forward, put down a communicator, and ran back to Lucien

Magister (Communicator): "This planet should not have to suffer for the sins of my people"

Merga: "Hollow words from a boy who grew up in a palace built on those sins!"

Magister (Communicator): "I know that the earth dragons, my people, enslaved your own. I know of the "accidental" test-fire of Bakunawa's mining laser killing thousands of water dragons in the blink of an eye. All these events and more were excised from history by earth dragon hands. I...apoligise for my complicity through ignorance"

Merga: "You think that a mere apology can erase our suffering?"

Magister (Communicator): "No. And that is why I intend to bring this secret history to light. Tell the world what happened, and venerate the water dragon's struggle against my people's tyranny. Everyone will know what the earth dragons have done. (Kneels down) Please. Let this world live"

Merga then started to laugh as this was not working

Merga: "To be remembered as slaves who rebelled against their masters and lost? Or the monsters that killed the world? (Gets up in anger) What choice do I really have as the one last breath of the water dragons?!"

Merga then had her chair turn into some mechanical wings as she jumped up to destroy the communicator as Lucien, (Y/N), and the Magister were wide eyed

Magister: "Wait! You don't have to do that---!"

The communicator was broken as she stared at Lucien and (Y/N)

(Y/N): "Merga, no! Stop this!"

Merga: "We are under the yoke of the earth dragons. This ends here"

Lucien then got angry and dashed towards Merga

Lucien: "No, it doesn't!"

(Y/N): "Lucien, wait!"

Lucien tried to slash at Merga but there was a shield blocking his attacks as he was pushed back

Lucien was wide eyed when he couldn't attack

Lucien: "What the...?"

Lucien tried again but the same result

Lucien: "Damn...!"

Merga then made a laser sword to try and slice him but Calisplash called out to him

Calisplash: "Lucien, look out!"

Lucien managed to block the attack and hold it using Calisplash

Lucien: "Calisplash!"

Calisplash: "Fool! A knight must always be on his guard!"

Calisplash tried to keep the sword guarded but was sliced from his handle as Lucien and (Y/N) were wide eyed. Lucien then looked at Merga in anger

Lucien: "Nooooooo!"

The return of the hero with a laser gun (Milla X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now