Chapter 4

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The news went on as a bat with sunglasses on her head started the report

Maria Notte: "This is Maria Notte, reporting live! We interrupt this program to bring you a special newsflash! Mayor Zao has been kidnapped! He is currently being held hostage somewhere in the Globe Opera! Eyewitnesses say he was taken by mechanical creatures that emerged from Shang Mu's river delta!"

As Luke and Carol are looking at the news back in Shang Tu royal palace, they had wide eyes as Carol called everyone

Carol: "What the?! Guys! Come quick!"

Everyone ran into the meeting room and looked at the screen as Maria Notte was on the news

Maria Notte: "...yes, we've just received word that the military has been deployed to maintain order. Citizens are urged to remain calm and to stay in their homes"

The news got interrupted by a call ringing

General Gong: "We're getting a call. On screen!"

When the screen popped up, they all saw Mayor Zao hanging from chains around his body, making everyone go wide eyed

Mayor Zao: "Hello, friends! Uh, funny story...Well, not as funny as COMPLETELY HORRIFYING! But you see..."

There was a glimpse of a purple laser sword that nearly cut Mayor Zao

Mayor Zao: "Okayokayokay so long story short...They're gonna kill me if you don't give them what they want so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE JUST DO WHAT THEY WANT AND GET ME OUT OF HERE!"

The screen then changed to a water dragon like Lilac as the royal palace went dark

???: "Magister...How I've longed to see that look in your eyes"

Lucien: "That's...another water dragon?"

Magister: "That's impossible...What trickery is this?!"

???: "No trickery at all, Magister. Such deception would be the purview of your grandfather, not I"

Magister: "You speak nonsense!"

???: "Truly? Then why not tell your "students" what's really going on?"

Lucien, (Y/N), Luke, and their girlfriends prepared themselves for what was coming

???: "Poor hatchling. I'd laugh if it weren't such sad irony"

Lucien: "I don't know who you are or how you know my girlfriend...But I'll make sure you don't hurt anyone else. I, Sir Lucien, Knight of Avalice, will protect this land!"

???: "Well then, Knight of Avalice. Have you and hatchling ever wondered what happened to all the water dragons?"

Hearing this, Lilac's eyes went wide

Ryan: "Enough! What do you want?"

???: "What I want is for you to answer for all that you've done. But for the time being, I have more pressing concerns"

The picture then showed something giant that was in the shape of a fish

???: "This is Bakunawa. Magnificent, is she not? But she is missing a vital component. The drone you call "Pangu". The one that's in the room with you"

The return of the hero with a laser gun (Milla X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now