CT: Chapter 8 "Castle"

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C opens his eyes and takes a deep breath as he sits up suddenly. He looks around seeing the bedroom of his one star apartment. "You okay?" He looks towards the sleepy voice and sees Ryuko laying beside him with her eyes barely open. He looks over seeing the digital clock sitting on the nightstand, reading three am.

"Sorry. You can go back to sleep." Ryuko hums in agreement and drags C back down into bed making him lay back down beside her. He blushes a bit, but before he can ask why she did that, she's back asleep with her hand still on his arm. He stares up at the ceiling trying to remember anything that happened after he was tackled into the restroom yesterday. He remembers shattered glass, the smell of blood, and the feeling and taste of his own blood sliding down his throat, but other than that he comes up empty-handed. He sighs and looks to his right hand making the claws appear on his hand. He tries to keep it together but fails as the claws quickly vanish. He clicks his tongue in annoyance before putting his hand back down and closing his eyes. He stares at the back of his eyelids and a voice catches his attention.

"Put me on." The voice is gentle and smooth like silk. It's clearly feminine and much older sounding than Ryuko. C opens his eyes before sitting up a bit to look around the room, but he doesn't see anything. His eyes pulse blue giving him a completely spacial scan of the entire apartment, but still nothing. Nothing invisible or visible could have made that noise. He shakes his head figuring it to be a dream or maybe his imagination. He lays back down and Ryuko turns in her sleep throwing an arm over him. He blushes before smiling and closing his eyes again. The alarm is the next sound they both hear making Ryuko groan and put a pillow on her head.

"Make it stop." C hums in agreement and slams his fist into the clock making a loud crash that silences the machine and shatters it. He sighs and his hand glows red as it fixes it. It beeps and C gently pushes the top of it making it stop. Ryuko's hand rests on his chest as his hand is against her back. His hand glides up her back making her shiver as he sits up. She moves the pillow off of her seeing him arch his back to stretch. She gets a full view of his abs and chest as he yawns loudly. He then hops out of bed and heads to the bathroom. Ryuko sits up and puts Senketsu on before leaving the bedroom at the same time C is leaving the bathroom. She heads in and does her business as C checks the date and sees that it's Saturday. He curses himself for having the alarm set on the weekend before shrugging it off with a sigh. Ryuko leaves the bathroom and C nods his head to the door. Ryuko follows and once outside C teleports them away. She looks around before realizing they're at a mall. "What're we doing here?"

"It's Saturday, and you need clothes. Besides I'm almost out of some things myself."

"I don't have any cash to waste on clothes."

"Who said anything about you paying?" C starts walking ahead leaving Ryuko somewhat shocked.

"You want to buy me clothes?"

"Would you rather just wear my clothes all the time? Because I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you don't fill them out as nicely as me."

"That's because you're massive."

"Exactly. That's why we should try to find you something in your size. Find you something you actually can fill out nicely." Ryuko runs up to walk beside C as he places his hands in his coat pockets. She rests her hands on her hips as she walks. C looks over seeing how's she's walking and chuckles. "You have absolutely no idea what to do with your hands, do you?"

"Bite me. I lost my jacket back at my place." C gives her a cocky smile.

"Your place? And here I thought you were homeless. Instead you're just a moocher."

"I ain't no moocher! My dad's place got burned down." C's smile drops and he looks to the side.

"Sorry. I didn't realize."

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