CT: Chapter 18 "Catch Me if You Can"

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Ryuko suddenly pops up in bed with a yell. "SENKETSU!!" C jumps half a foot from the sudden outburst as he was reading something on his phone that is now across the room.

"Damn! That took at least an hour off my life!" He composes himself and brings his phone towards him with gravity. "What happened yesterday Ryuko?"

"It was Nui Harime disguised as Nagita."

"Damn. I never got a good read on her soul when I fought her. That's just sloppy on my part. That's a mistake I won't be repeating." Ryuko notices the state she's in, only her bra and underwear.

"When you found me out there, was I like this?" C nods.

"I'm glad I got there when I did. A pretty girl like yourself damn near naked in such a rough neighborhood spells out disaster." Ryuko points her scissor blade in his face making him go crosseyed to look at it.

"Now ain't the time for stupid jokes!" Her voice waivers for a second. "I... I lost Senketsu."

"When I got there he was in pieces. Didn't have time to gather them up before being jumped by her and those damn clones."

"I was too weak to stop her, and I couldn't summon his power, and now he's gone." Suddenly Senketsu's voice speaks out.

"No, I'm not gone." Ryuko gasps and pushes the tip of her blade against the bridge of C's nose.

"Your dumbass impersonations ain't helping things!" C holds up his hands in surrender.

"Woah! I didn't say anything!" Senketsu's voice speaks out again.

"Ryuko, put the blade down. I'm right here on the table." She places the blade down and looks to her right seeing Senketsu's eye on the table. She quickly picks him up with a smile on her face.

"Senketsu! Thank God! You're alive!"

"I'm alive because you held onto me so tightly."

"This is all that's left? Where'd the rest of you go? Your sleeves, your shoulders, your skirt?!"

"Sorry to say, Ryuko, but that's all that was left by the time I found you after I dealt with Nui."

"Dealt with Nui? Did you-"

"I didn't kill her. She got away, but quite frankly I didn't care at the moment. I was more worried about making sure you were okay. She was close to killing you before I got there." Ryuko looks away from him and back towards Senketsu.

"I know where the rest of my body is. It was divided up among the students on the raid trip."

"The rest of you's in Kansai, huh?"

"Yes, and it was all Satsuki Kiryuin's doing."

"Damn her ass! Always screwing with me!" C stands up and stretches.

"Kansai. That sounds like a good excuse to take the bike." Ryuko gets up and opens the dresser finding a dark red tracksuit and quickly throwing it on. She then puts on socks and shoes before tying Senketsu's eye around her neck like a scarf. She then grabs a pair of yellow sunglasses and puts them on as C pushes his hair back and places his riding goggles on. Shiketsu speaks as they both step close to the bike.

"Senketsu, how are your pieces divided?"

"Evenly among the forces attacking each school." C crosses his arms and places a hand to his chin.

"That means they're groups in three different places. We'll cover more ground if one of us each gets one, and then we meet up at the last destination." He pulls out his phone and looks at the list. "We've got Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto. No telling who's running which crew, but it won't matter unless the Elite in charge has a piece. I say you take Kyoto, I'll take Kobe, and we meet at Osaka." Ryuko nods.

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