SP: Chapter 12 "Always Come Back"

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C sits in his bed listening to music through his headphones while scrolling through social media on his scroll. He checks the time and sees that it just turned seven thirty am. He stands up and walks over to Ryuko's bed before poking her cheek. She groans and grabs his hand, holding it. He smiles to himself before rubbing her cheek with his thumb. She still doesn't respond, so he thinks for a moment before deciding to just pick her up out of bed. She holds onto him while still asleep before he tries to drop her, but she has her arms tightly wrapped around him, leaving her hanging to him while still asleep. He deadpans and takes a knee before placing her against the bed. She rolls off of him, so he gets up and tries another member of his team. He shakes Levi, but he doesn't even move. He moves in to Arsenic and luckily he finally wakes someone up. Arsenic sits up and rubs his eyes before walking to the bathroom. C then reaches in his bag and pulls out two objects, a massive speaker bigger than the bag itself and an electric guitar. Arsenic comes out and looks at C confused. C looks over at him before reaching in the bag and pulling out a pair of noise cancelling headphones and two cotton balls. He places the cotton balls in Arsenic's wolf ears and then the headphones over his other pair. He then picks up the guitar and shreds a single note so loud that the walls shake. Everyone on the team pops up in fear as he lets the note continue before placing his fingers on the strings to stop it. "GOOOOOOD MORNING TEAM COLR!!! WE'VE GOT A FULL DAY OF CLASSES AHEAD OF US, SO GET YOUR ASSES UP!!" Olive glares at C, Levi rubs his temples, and Ryuko throws a pillow full force at C. He pulls the pillow off his face and tosses it back to her lightly with a laugh. "It's seven forty and classes start at nine, so if you're planning on showering or eating breakfast, now's the time." He places the speakers and the guitar back into his bag as Arsenic stares at it. He walks over to it and looks inside confused, it's completely empty. C pulls the kid out his bag and takes the cotton balls and headphones off of him before placing the former in the trash and the latter in his bag. Olive gets up and heads to the bathroom after pointing a finger at C.

"Don't ever do that again!"

"Set an alarm next time." She closes the bathroom door as C smirks and claps his hands. "I'm thinking, waffles for breakfast. Anyone want some?" Levi raises a hand, Ryuko nods, and Arsenic smiles wide.

"I love waffles!"

"Well then get dressed, Kiddo." C walks out the room and heads to the next door neighbor and knocks. He hears power tools and banging before deciding to test a new thing he's been working on. He mixes space and reality together before touching the door and making it glow navy blue. He then walks through the door into the dorm room of team RWBY. They seem to be making some sort of bunk beds. Ruby stops and catches her breath as C walks up behind her. "Yo." She screams and turns around with a slap delivered to his face. "Ah! Why?!" Ruby puts her hands on her hips.

"Yeah why'd you sneak up on me?! You'd think you'd learn by now!" Weiss looks at C.

"How'd you even get in here?"

"I walked through the door." Everyone in the room shares a look before Blake responds.

"But it was locked." C nods before backing up through the door and then coming back in.

"I wasn't sure it'd work, but I've been practicing that little trick. So anyone in here want breakfast? I'm making waffles." Ruby's eyes light up.

"With strawberries? And whip cream?" C pats Ruby's head.

"Sure, Sis. Anyone else want some?" Yang gives him two thumbs up as Blake and Weiss nod. He leaves the room and heads to the dormitory's kitchen. He walks back in team RWBY's dorm room with four plates of waffles with one covered in strawberry slices and whip cream. He hands each one of them a plate before walking out and heading back to grab four more plates and heading to his dorm room. He hands each of them a plate before heading back to the kitchen and eating his plate before cleaning up the dishes he dirtied. He checks his phone and sees that it's eight thirty. His first class starts at nine, so he checks his schedule and sees that it's Grimm Studies. He heads out the dorm building towards the school. He heads to main building and gets into the elevator that heads to Ozpin's office. He walks in and sees Ozpin talking to Glynda. Ozpin takes a sip from his coffee before looking over at the open elevator.

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