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Years ago when Y/N was but a small child tragedy struck.


One day your parents left you home as they went to run errands in town. You sat at home playing your Game Boy Advanced waiting patiently for them to return. After time passed you heard a car screech to halt outside your house. Your parent busted the door open, startling you.

Dad: Get to your room and don't come down. Now, Y/N

Y/N: bu..but why? Am in trouble?

Your Mother runs to you dropping to your level.

Mom: No sweetie, no no. Of course not. Just go to your room and pack your stuffed animals and game boy games in your backpack. We're gonna go for a trip! It'll be fun. Just don't come down. Mommy and Daddy will get you. Okay?

She looked like she has tears in her eyes. She kissed you and you nervously scurried off. You grabbed your backpack and stuck your Gameboy, all your games down to the bottom. You had a lot of stuffed animals and you couldn't decide which one. Frantically you held everyone of them until you grabbed one of your favorite Pokémon, Cyndaquil. Just as you slung your bag on your shoulder you heard crashes and your mother scream.

???: You think you can just run and get away with it huh?

Dad: Back away from her!

???:Or what?! You're lucky boss wants you both alive otherwise I'd crush her skull with my bare hands.

You rushed down the stairs to see two huge strangers in your home. One of them holding your mother by her hair and the other held your father at gunpoint. You froze. Every inch of you felt like lead.

???: Well well, well. Look they had a little runt. Dorian check this punk out.

Mom: Don't you dare touch him!

Dorian:Shut it bitch! Boss wants you two alive but he didn't give any clear instructions on any loose ends.

The man named Dorian stepped slowly to you gun in one hand and the other hand slowly reaching to you. You stood petrified, tears welling in your eyes. Your mother tried to break free from her captor. She reached behind her and clawed the big oaf's eyes, breaking free.

???: Gah! Dumb whore.

Her attempts were futile. In a flash the mountain of a man snatched your mother's hair and in one fell swoop took his fist and punched her square in her temple. She slumped to the floor falling face down. Your father screamed in anguish bolting to her assailant before Dorian turned.


There was a foul smell in the air as your father fell over. Crimson pooling around him.


You charged forward mind blank only knowing pain.

Dorian: Not so fast brat.

He swung his arm catapulting you to the wall where you collided with a hard thud. As your vision went fuzzy you heard the two thugs laughing and making remarks about your parents as they walked out.

???: Guess we won't get the bonus now that they're dead.

Dorian: Who gives a shit. They had what was coming to the them.

As they left you heard a faint voice.

Mom: y/n... *cough*

You struggled to crawl to her but you managed to get closer to your mother. Tears burning your face.

Mom: y/ must always remember we love you. *cough cough*

Y/N: momma... dad...

You glanced at your father who lay still in the dark pool of crimson. You look at back at your mother and reach for her with all your strength.

Y/N: Momma please don't go...

A/N: hey everyone. I get inspired by a bunch of different stories I read on here. So I wanted to start a new story. This won't be replacing the DestinyxMHA one I'm writing but I don't know how often I'll be updating either of these at the moment. Just gonna go with the flow and see what happens. I hope you enjoy!

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