Chapter 2: Capture

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*Cue Theme Song*

You rush Tano leaving a purple haze in your wake. The haze makes it nearly impossible for anyone to see anything. Tano swings his head from side to side trying to find you. From his periphal he sees a white glow speed ever closer. Out from the smoke you land a hard punch knocking him into a building and sending a rush of air clearing the haze. You grab him with one hand, cocking your other fist back to deliver a final blow.

Y/N: Wanted to send me to meet my parents huh? How bout I send you to hell instead!

You pull back before your fist and arm were wrapped in bandages.

Y/N: What the?!

You turn to look behind you all the while struggling to break free from your bonds.

Eraser Head: That's enough kid. Put him down.

You struggle harder as your eyes gloss over with rage.

Y/N: No its time he gets what's coming to him!

Suddenly you feel as though all your energy has been sapped from you. The aura around you dissipates. The pain from your injuries start to grip you again.

Eraser Head: I said that's enough! Now, drop him. You quirks been disabled and unless you want to go to jail for not having a license to use your quirk I suggest you listen.

Suddenly more bandages wrap around you until you are forced to drop Tano.

Midnight: The other one got away. Must've escaped in the smoke.

Eraser Head: That's fine the police will be on their way. We need to get this kid out of here before they get here.

Y/N: No!

You scream as tears burn your face.

Y/N: I've waited years to kill him. He deserves it! They all do!

You struggle harder and harder to break free from your bindings. Midnight walks up to you.

Midnight: *cooing* There there. That's enough for now.

She tears a piece for cloth from her arm and releases pink mist towards you. You struggle less as your eyelids flutter. The last thing you see is Midnight reaching out to touch your face.

3rd Person PoV

The cops show up but only Midnight is there. Eraser head brings you to the rooftop of a nearby building. Midnight debriefs the cops. She lies to them saying that the thugs couldn't handle their drink and began brawling using their quirks. After the cops cart everyone away she joins Eraser Head atop the building.

Eraser Head: We need to get him back to the school.

Midnight: What will we do with him?

Eraser Head: We're gonna get him checked out and then if possible get him help. He's definitely screwed up right now.

They glance over at your unconscious body.

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