Part Two

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I know I might sound crazy, but his words made my stomach start to flutter. He only told me his NAME for god sakes and I'm already falling head over heels. His irish accent tells me that he must be from Ireland, obviously. Ugh, his accent just makes me want to talk to him for hours upon hours.

STOP JENN AND ANSWER HIM! I thought to myself.

"I-I'm Jenn.... Nice to meet you."

"I'm new here, so... um, maybe you can show me around a bit? After class? I mean, only if you want to." His words slipped right through my head and made me go into a trance like state of mind.

"Um... yeah, sure!" I said a little more enthusiastically than I had hoped.. embarrassing.

"Ok, we can meet after class... how about at that coffee shop in the middle of campus?" He said.

Am I dreaming, or did this hot guy basically just ask me on a date?! I know I sound like a loon, but I've never actually been asked out by a boy before.. I know, lame right?

"Ok! It's a date!" I said, immediately regretting what I said seeing that it was only my first day meeting him and I just assumed he meant 'date' by asking me out for coffee... ugh I felt like a complete loser.

"Ok... um.. see you then." The way he spoke showed me that he felt a little uncomfortable. Gosh, it's his first damn day here and I've already scared him. I feel so stupid. He was probably just asking me to go out to coffee with him so I could explain the complex campus to him, but nooo, my outrageous self decides to say it's a date. Curse me. This is proabably why most boys don't talk to me.

I realized that I had been daydreaming the whole class about what was going to happen at the coffee shop and I missed EVERYTHING! I missed the notes that the class got which are the key to helping with the homework that night, and I missed the whole speech that my biology teacher gave to the class about what to expect on our final exam which was a few months away.

I glanced at the clock and realized that there was only 5 minutes left of class.

Oh no! I can't meet up with Niall! I just can't! I'm so embarrassed at what I let slip from my idiotic mouth! This is the first boy to actually talk to me since the beginning of the school year and I blew it! He is probably secretly hoping that I cancel on our "meeting." Maybe I should just say I'm not feeling well? Or my roommate needs me to hold her hair while she throws up? Ahhh I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!! The only two things I can hear right now are my heart beating and the clock ticking.

Shit. There's only two minutes left of class. The seconds seemed to go by faster than I had hoped until I finally heard "Class is dismissed! See you all again tomorrow. Don't forget your textbook!"

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What do I do?! I could feel my hands start to shake and I started to get really hot.

I was suddenly snapped out of my panic attack when a beautiful irish boy who I thought I had scared away 45 minutes earlier came up to my desk and stared straight into my eyes, almost as if he were reading my mind.

"Ready to go?" He spoke.

I couldn't exactly make out the emotion in his voice which made it hard for me to decide whether to go home and sit on my bed while I play solitare on my brand new Apple Macbook Pro laptop that my parents had bought me when I started college, or to go to the coffee shop in the middle of my campus with an extremely hot guy who probably only thinks of me as just a girl to make him a map of directions to get from class to class. Hmm... decisions decisions...


Once again this is sorta short, but just wait. Long chapters are coming soon. So, do you think Jenn will go on the "date" with Niall? Wait and find out! ;) 


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