Part Five

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I then finally came to my conclusion.

"Um, Niall..." I spoke, hoping that he would lift his head and actually look at me this time.

"Hmm?" He hummed, still kissing my neck. I didn't want to be one of those girls who leads you on and then just leaves you hanging, so I just let him proceed with his actions. I have to admit, it felt really good. He was being gentle. I loved that about him. But right when I thought he was so sweet for being gentle, he started to harshly suck at the skin on my neck, grazing his teeth over it and nipping at it.

"Niall, stop, that kinda hurts." I said calmly, hoping he would get the hint and stop being so rough.

He didn't.

He continued to harshly suck on my neck. I knew there would be a couple marks there. Then suddenly, he stopped. Thank God. It really hurt. And when I say it hurt, I mean it really hurt. I mean, I have pretty low pain tolerance, so the actions he was doing were actually making my eyes water and causing little whines to escape my mouth.

Yeah, I'm happy he stopped, but why did he? His head was still in the crook of my neck, but I didn't feel anything. Oops, spoke to soon. Once again, I felt Niall's mouth connect with my neck, but this time, he was very gentle, barely even kissing my skin. Then, he began to run his tongue over the marks that I'm pretty sure were bright red and had raised lines from where Niall grazed his teeth.

He then raised his head out of the crook of my neck and looked straight in my eyes. "Do you wanna come to my place? It's not far from here." He spoke, never breaking eye contact.

Honestly, I was speechless. I didn't really know if I was, um, "ready" to go to Niall's dorm. What if he tried something with me? I mean, I can definitely see Niall being the guy I lose my virginity to, but tonight isn't the night.... well, I don't think it is... But I don't know. Maybe tonight IS the night.. Only time will tell, I guess.

"Uhh, sure! We can watch a movie or something." I finally managed to say.

"Great." He responded. And with that, we began walking back to his dorm.

We don't have classes for the rest of the day since we only have one class every morning, so it doesn't matter that we are going back to his dorm. It's only 10:30 a.m anyway, so I don't think Niall will try anything this early in the day.. well, at least I don't think he will.

We finally arrive at a door which I assume is Niall's dorm since he has a key to it. Once he opened the door, I was kind of shocked. It was so clean! There was a cute little couch, a queen size bed, a mini fridge, a microwave, a little 22' flat screen which was a couple feet away from the end of the bed, a bathroom down the hall, and, waittttt, where's his roommates room? It should be right across from the bathroom, but there's just a wall there. I was just about to ask Niall about the room when he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Uh, Niall, where's your roommates room?" I said, still looking at the blank wall.

"I don't have a roommate. All the roommates were taken, and all the dorms were full, so they gave me this 'one student' dorm room." Geez, I would be scared to live by myself. I know that sounds childish, but this is a college campus we're talking about. Anyone on the campus can just break into the dorm and you'd be all alone. Creepy, right?

"But I don't mind, it's nice having my privacy." Niall spoke, resting his chin on the top of my head.

"Yeah, you're lucky you don't have some crazy party animal chick for a roommate. She comes back to our dorm most of the time early in the morning and she's not even mindful that there's someone else in the dorm who is trying to sleep. She's really nice, but sometimes I just want to give her a good kick in the ass." Niall laughed at how I put extra emphasis into "kick in the ass." His laugh was the cutest thing I've ever heard. I couldn't help but smile whenever I heard it.

"Haha, you're so beautiful," Niall said out of nowhere. I couldn't help the blush from coming onto my cheeks. Gosh, what was he doing to me? I've never been this way with anyone before; so comfortable and able to be myself.

"You're not half bad yourself, Horan." I said, spinning around and winking at him.

Then, finally, I realized the answer to my unsolved question; why was Niall coming onto me so fast? I WAS THE PROBLEM. I kept being seductive with him and giving him "hints" that I want him. Just now, I winked at him and basically called him sexy. I got myself into this. But odd enough, I didn't want to get out.

I was still deep in thought when Niall stepped so close to me that I could feel his warm breath hitting my face. I looked up at Niall, who let me mind you was a good 4 inches taller than me, and just stared into his eyes. It was kind of dark in his dorm since he had blinds over the windows, so his eyes didn't look as blue as I usually see them.

Once again, Niall leaned down and kissed me. I know I said that I wouldn't let anything go too far because I want to form a real relationship with him, but something about his actions just left me wanting more. Niall then pulled away, which surprised me, and he walked over to the tv, turning it on.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" He said, holding up two classics, Titanic and Pretty Woman.

"Hmm.." I said as I walked over to him, looking at the disks. "Titanic."

"Titanic it is!" He said, popping the disk into the dvd player. He then walked over to the bed, laid down, and then patted the spot next to him, giving me a look to come lay next to him. Obviously, I quickly accepted his offer to lay down and walked over to the spot he was motioning to. After I laid down, Niall pulled a blanket up over us and we snuggled close together. Yeah, I was pretty happy, but I also felt things I've never really felt before from a guy that I wasn't related to. I felt cared for, wanted, needed. Niall made me feel all of these things, and I've only know him for 2 days. I know, crazy right? But oddly, I feel like I've known Niall my whole life. We just really connect. Who knows what'll happen between us today. It's Friday, it's only 11:00 a.m., and this movie is 4 hours..... tick tock, tick tock...


Oooooooo what's gonna happen? ;)

(I ended up having 2 hours to spare so I figured that I could just publish Part Five tonight and give you Part Six tomorrow. Thanks for reading!)


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