Part Ten

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A VERY special thank you to my acca-amazing friend Genesis for giving me some ideas for this part. :) XOXO


As soon as Liam winked at me, I had a feeling that Niall saw him... and once Niall grabbed my hand and whipped us both around to face Liam again, I knew he had seen his little action. Oh no.

"Why the fuck did you just wink at my girlfriend?" Niall said, raising his voice so basically all of the people in the front of the restaurant could hear him. I'd never seen this side of Niall. He was squeezing my right hand and his eyes had turned into a darker shade of blue.

"Um, what do you mean your 'girlfriend'" Liam stated. Right then, I knew he was about to put me on blast and embarrass me. "Jenn, you said he was just a friend when we were talking out back and we nearly kissed? Ya know, when you said you were going to the restroom."

Holy fuck. He did it. That little fucker is going to pay.

I was speechless. I looked up to Niall who looked so hurt that it seemed to be written on his forehead. I can't believe this is happening. I love Niall. I really do. Yeah, I gave Liam my number and we said we'd hangout soon, but he's NOTHING compared to Niall. I waited patiently for Niall to say something, and he finally spoke up.

"Fuck you, Liam. And ya know what Jenn, why don't you let Liam take you home? Maybe you'll like him better. Just-," Niall didn't even finish his sentence as he unclasped our hands and put them up in front of him as if saying "I surrender." I tried to hold back my tears as Niall just looked at me blankly, tears threatening to fall from his eyes if he blinked. Finally, I couldn't take it. I started bawling. Niall didn't even give me a hug to comfort me. And frankly, if I were him, I wouldn't want to comfort myself either.

"I'm leaving. Liam, you can take Jenn home. I just need some time alone." His words cut through me like a knife. Was this really happening? Because of my stupid decision, am I really losing the only guy I want to be with? Fuck my life.

Niall then left and I watched as he pulled out of the parking lot, wiping his eyes on his t shirt.

"I can still drive you home if you'd like." Liam said in a soft tone, realizing what he had done.

"Thanks a lot Liam. Ya know what? Go fuck yourself. Just delete my number from your phone. Do you realize what you just did? Gosh, why am I so stupid? You are NOTHING compared to Niall. No one is! I just let him slip away. Don't ever even try to fucking talk to me again. I'll walk home." I yelled through the whole restaurant. At this point, I didn't give a shit if anyone heard what was happening. The walk back to campus would be about 10 minutes. Great.

I began walking on the side of the road when a car pulled up next to me.

"Need a ride?" A brown curly haired boy asked, his British accent making my heart skip a beat. He looked to be the same age as me, and he had incredible green eyes. I couldn't stop looking at them.

"Um... sure." I said, opening the passenger door. I just didn't care. I was emotionless at this point. He could be a rapist for all I know, but I am just so done. I want to go back to my dorm and just go to sleep and never wake up. Is that too much to ask?

We began driving when the boy broke the silence.

"Hey love, what's your name?" He said, his voice low and raspy. Talk about sexy.

"Jenn." I said sniffling. Tears were literally still pouring from my eyes.

"Oh, my name is Harry. Harry Styles. Are you alright? You look upset."

"Yeah, I guess you could say I'm upset. It's a complicated story though." I said. "Oh and by the way, I live on the campus just down this road so you know where to drop me off."

"I know." Harry said, smirking slightly. "I've seen you on campus before. We don't have the same classes though." Gosh, how could this absolutely beautiful guy have been walking on my campus all this time, and I have never seen him before?

"Oh really? That's cool." I said, looking up at him and smiling.

Minutes later, we pulled in the student parking lot and began making our way back to our dorms. When we reached the center of campus, we shared a nice hug and prepared to walk separate ways, since the boys' dorms are on the opposite side of the campus as the girls'.

"It was really nice meeting you, Jenn." Harry said, smiling so sweet that I could've melted on the spot.

"You too." I said, smiling back. "You really made my night, Harry." I pulled him into yet another hug, but held this one a little longer. I think he could sense my sadness and he pulled out of the hug, giving me a light kiss on the cheek. As I always do with people, Harry and I exchanged numbers and we made our way back to our dorms. Megan wasn't even there when I walked though the door, but I wasn't even worried. After minutes of trying to decide whether or not I should text Niall, I chose not to. Maybe he really does need some time to think, and maybe I need some time to take a breath and not worry about screwing anything else up. I just feel like shit. But, one thing that was still playing in my mind was when Niall said that I was his girlfriend. It completely shocked me. I didn't think he thought of me like that, not yet at least. I want to be Niall's girlfriend. I really do. But, I just met Harry, and he seems sweet as well. What if I make up with Niall, and then I just mess it up again? I think I just need some time to process all of my thoughts. Hopefully Niall understands my dilemma.

The thing that is scaring me the most right now is, what if, what if he doesn't want to fix things? What if he got what he wanted out of me and he's just using this situation to get rid of me? I'm so lost right now.

As soon as I was all ready for bed and I finally laid down and relaxed, I realized that I would have to face Niall in class tomorrow morning.... Acca-awkward. Lord, take me now.


Thank you guys soooo much for reading! I saw that this has 700 reads! THAT'S ACCA-AMAZINGGGGG! hahaha I just watched Pitch Perfect, and I keep quoting it. But yeah this chapter looks short to me for some reason... lol

I just figured out a schedule as to when I'm going to update this from now on, because I always get a shitload of homework and I just can't even handle school right now. I legit just CAN'T EVEN. And I want you guys to kinda be aware as to when my update days will be. I will always update it at night, probably around 5-6 p.m US time, 9-10 p.m UK time :)

But here's the schedule:


Part Eleven- Wednesday, March 27th

Part Twelve- Friday, March 29th or Monday, April 1st (depending on whether or not I'm busy Friday. I'm supposed to have a shopping day with my friends and then have a sleep over)

Part Thirteen- Monday, April 1st (depending on whether Part Twelve is delayed. If Part Twelve is delayed, then every chapter after that will change. But I will update the schedule when I update the next part if that happens) :)

Part Fourteen- Next Wednesday, April 3rd.

Part Fifteen- Next Friday, April 5th or Monday, April 8th. (once again, I'll update you if a part is delayed)

So far, I only have up to Part Fifteen scheduled, but there will be FAR MORE than fifteen parts in this story. Many more plot twists and romances to spring ahead. ;D

Hmmm, do you guys ship #Jiall or #Jarry ? Hahaha comment below! Vote!

LOVE YOU GUYS OK THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING. I am loving writing The Boy and I hope you guys are enjoying it. MUCH LOVE, XOXO

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