Part Three

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"Jenn, ready to go?" He spoke again. I could tell by his tone and facial expression that he was confused as to why I hadn't responded to him the first time.

His words quickly snapped me out of my thoughts and before I knew it, I had smiled and shaken my head yes. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?

 Niall smiled back at me and we began to make our way to the coffee shop. We had gone almost halfway to our destination without saying a word. Me being the shy girl who usually sits by herself was too nervous to even make eye contact with Niall let alone start a conversation with him!

"So, do you live on campus?" Niall spoke out.


"Yeah. I have a roommate. Her name is Megan. She's really sweet! Maybe you can meet her sometime." I managed to speak out.

"Yeah, that'd be nice!"

"Cool." I choked out. And that was the last thing I said before we made our way through the doors of the little coffee shop called "Crecia's Coffees."

When we walked in, Niall and I made our way up to the counter and he ordered us each a caramel coffee, my favorite! He then ordered a scrumptious chocolate chip muffin. I hadn't even thought about it, but once we sat down at a table, Niall said "I hope you don't mind I got one muffin... I thought we could just share..."

On the inside, I was jumping up and down with joy.

"That's fine" I told him. I can't believe this is actually happening.

"So, miss Jenn, tell me about yourself." Niall said.

"Hmm, what do you wanna know Horan? I'm an open book."

"Well, I was originally gonna start off with a question like "whats your favorite color" but do you mind if I ask where the scar on your arm came from?"

Oh no. I didn't think he'd actually ask about that. Memories from "that night" came flooding back to me, and I didn't like it at all. I felt uncomfortable and my heart started pounding faster than a locomotive engine.

"Um... I-I'd rather not discuss it r-right now..." I spoke sort of quiet and my voice was a little shaky.

"Jenn, are you ok? I-I'm sorry, let's talk about something else! Um, where is your dorm on campus? Mine is on the North side."

"It's ok Niall, maybe we can talk about it another time.." I didn't even answer his question about where my dorm was. I am too wrapped up in my thoughts. Images of that night, that terrifying, gut wrenching night flooded back into my head. I didn't want to be rude to Niall and not answer his questions, and I certainly didn't want to just end our, um, casual coffee meeting? Yeah, casual coffee meeting sounds good. But a part of me just wanted to go back to my dorm, curl up in a ball, and just cry.

"So, you take calculus right?" Niall chimed in and took me out of my deep thoughts.

"Yeah, why?"

"Who's your teacher? I got Mrs. Russo."

"No way! That's my teacher!" I spoke sort of excitedly so I could forget about my thoughts from a few minutes earlier.

"Really? Maybe we can sit together! I mean, if you don't already sit next to someone.." The way Niall spoke showed me that he was very cautious of what he was saying and that he really meant what he said.

"Sure!" I said. "I'd love to sit next to you!"

I could see Niall blushing from across the table, and I couldn't help but blush as well. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't hold myself back from asking, "So, um, Niall, did you feel uncomfortable before when I said that this was a date? Because I will totally understand if you were weirded out..."

"Of course not!" Niall said as if he were shocked at what I had said. "What else would we call this? A coffee meeting? A friendly sit-down at the coffee shop?" The way he spoke made me lightly chuckle. I had gotten myself worked up over one stupid little thing I said for no reason at all. Niall wasn't like most guys. He was actually sweet and when he asked me the question about my scar, he immediately changed the subject to avoid awkwardness between us.

"So, should we get going? We have calculus tomorrow morning and I don't wanna oversleep on my first day of calculus! That'd be a great start to the class, wouldn't it?"

I looked at the time and saw that we had already been at Crecia's Coffees for almost 3 hours! Whoa, time really does fly by when you can just talk about anything with someone and the words just flow right off your tongue.

"Yeah, I guess so." I spoke, trailing off as my sentence went on. I really didn't want to leave. I wanted to sit right here, in this little coffee shop, talking to this amazing guy who I had just met today but he completely had me mesmerized. His accent just made him a million times more sexy. Ugh he is truly perfect.

"Wait, before we leave, do you wanna put your number in my phone? So we can, um, text? haha" Niall spoke as if he were nervous. Was he seriously nervous to talk to ME? Jennifer Torres? The girl who practically was an outsider?

"Sure." I said with a smile that showed my dimple on my right cheek. I quickly put my number into his white IPhone. No way, we had the same phone! Before I knew it we were saying our goodbyes in front of the coffee shop.

"Bye Jenn. It was really nice talking to you! You're such a sweet girl." His words made me blush, and I knew he could tell I was blushing because a cute little smirk played onto his flawless face.

"Uh, bye Niall. I'll see you tomorrow morning in Calculus!"

After I let out that sentence, Niall embraced me in a warm and cozy hug that made my stomach do flips and kicks.

"Bye" Niall said after he pulled away from our hug, but he was still holding onto me, looking into my eyes as if trying to read my mind, just like he did when I saw him for the first time.

All of a sudden, Niall pulled himself back into my body. But this time, not for a hug. Instead, he planted his lips on my lips. Sparks erupted throughout my body. Was this really happening?

Niall then pulled away a few seconds later. "See you tomorrow, Jenn."

I was speechless, but I eventually managed to get some words out. "See ya." And with that, I went back to my dorm to find Megan passed out on the couch. I took a shower, put my pajamas on, and then soon fell asleep as well, with a bright smile plastered on my face. I was falling for Niall. I was falling hard, and fast.


Yayyyyy a long chapter! I hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for reading!


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