Sick of this mother fucker (fluff)

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"Hey Freddy, I'm not feeling to great." Billy said.
"Why, did those nachos go right through you?" Freddy replied.
"No! I'm being serious, my throat hurts so much. " Billy then coughed.
"Ok, ok, I'll get you to the school nurse."

They were walking into the nurses office as best the could with people crowding the hallway. "Freddy! Billy!" Cassie said catching up to them.
"Why are you going to the nurses office?"
"Well, I think Billy is sick."
"Oh, okay let me come with you!"
"Hurry it up, love birds!" Billy shouted unsteady on his feet.

Cassie opened the door and Billy leaned on her like some injured animal. "I'm dying, save me!"

Then he fell on the floor, "really, I've seen two year olds behave better than you!" Cassie said.
"Sorry about that, Mrs. Jenny."
"It's ok! But I think billy isn't" she replied looking at him on the floor. Cassie leaned over toward Billy,
"Billy, their done with your brain surgery. You're all better, they made you pleasant and agreeable."

Mrs. Jenny turned around and got her supplies, Billy flipped Cassie off while still on the floor, then he got up and sat in the nurse's chair.

She was checking his temp, mouth, and heart beat. "I think he just has a cold."

"I'm I dying?" he said looking high. "No, but I do recommend rest. Now you two tell me if their is anything else he goes through that's not the common cold. I'll have to tell your teachers that you three have also been affected, and you need to go home."

"Oh, ok thank you." Freddy said.
"Your welcome, and have a good weekend!" She said as they went out the door.

"Shit, I forgot!" Freddy said.
"What?" Cassie said.
"My parents are going to somewhere special all weekend! If they found out about it they would cancel! Cassie, they cannot find out about this!"
"Shit, that is an issue!"

Billy intruputed "You know what is an issue? This green tongue, look!" he said sticking out his tongue.
They ignored him and walked out of the school, "Shazam!" Freddy said in an ally.
"Billy don't fly while sick, Cassie, up." he said as she grabbed onto him with her legs and arms around him, while he held onto her. She was so used to being carried around by him, due to danger and him being a superhero. Then they flew off and Freddy was going to get Billy after he dropped off Cassie.

"What about me!!" he shouted as they left. "Fine, leave the sick to die in the wilderness!"

Freddy came back in 5 minutes, and Billy piggy back rode Freddy. Cassie sat on their front porch, waiting for them, and got a picture of Billy piggyback riding Freddy. "This is a keeper, I'm so glad my boys are getting along!" she said while touching her chest to emphasize the drama. "Yeah, get your jokes out already!" Freddy replied as they walked into the house.

They all went up to Freddy's room, Cassie went to go get medicine for billy. She came back to the room, "Cassie what took so long I'm dying!" Billy said.
"Be quite and sit down."
Billy sat on the bottom bunk as Cassie poured him some liquid medican, while Freddy gave him a pill. Billy took the pills and liquid, and layed down in his own bed.

"Get some rest." Cassie said.
"Ok, MOM" he replied, while shutting his eyes.
"Can you believe the attitude!" Cassie said to Freddy.
"This spoiled little brat, treats us like crap after we just took care of him." Freddy replied.
"This spoiled little brat would like to go to sleep in a silent room, thank you very much!" Billy said.

Cassie and Freddy went down stairs to watch a movie, they turned on the TV, and Cassie fell asleep ontop of Freddy with a blanket. Freddy was very relaxed and fell asleep.

Billy woke up an hour later, and went to go see what Cassie and Freddy we're doing. He came around to the couch and looked at them them got ontop of them, crushing them.

"Billy get off you weigh like a hundred pounds!" Freddy said.
"Billy stop! You little piece of shit, I can't breathe!" Cassie yelled.
"But I'm bored!"

Billy got off and went in the kitchen, "well, that's one way to wake up," Freddy said.
Cassie was still lying ontop of Freddy trying to relax, taking in his scent, French fries and cologne. Freddy put his arms on her back hugging her, then he put his left hand on her arm, and rubbed her back with his right arm. God, I swear there's no other feeling than love, to think that some people think true love, or soulmates isn't real is so sad. If we cease to believe in love then why would we want to live? To think that there is someone who fits the missing part of you, to think that there is someone out there just designed specifically for you, God, how can someone not get excited or thrilled about that idea!

"Cassie come and help the dying make food!" Billy said in the kitchen. Cassie got up and went to the kitchen, then Freddy followed after.

"For the last time your not dying!" Freddy said.
"Yes I am!"
"Billy, sit down while I make supper for you!" Cassie said.
"Ok, mom!" Billy said.
"I don't act motherly! Freddy do I act motherly?" she said while he was sloching in his seat.
"I mean sometimes you can."
"Sit up straight while I'm talking to you!"
"Yes ma'am!" He said sitting up straight.
She turned around and started cooking.
"Mom's mad" Billy whispered.

After Cassie cooked the meal, the rest of Freddy's family opened the door and came in. "Hey guys!" Darla said.
"Hey y'all, welcome back." she said.
"What are you guys doing here so early?" rosa said.
"Oh our teacher let us out extra early." Freddy said.
"Oh ok."
"Cassieeee!" Darla said running up to her to give her a hug. Cassie picked her up and hugged her. "Hi, Darla!"

Freddy turned toward them, "well its nice to know I'm appreciated."

"You live with her, it's my turn" she responded while putting her down.
"Hey, girl" Cassie said to Mary.
"Hey" she said hugging her.

"Well we better start packing rosa." Victor said. "Ok"
Freddy's parents went to pack and then came back and left when we were eating.

Mary spoke. "Ok I'm going to address the elephant in the room. Billy...are you sick?"
"What! no...pst why would you even say that? " Freddy lied unconvincingly.

Billy was in the middle of eating, looked at Cassie fast then yelled, "they made me lie!" pointing at Freddy and Cassie.
Then they all started to argue, "we did nothing! Also weren't you the one who lied too, Pinocchio!" Freddy said.
"Well none of this would have happened if you didn't fly me home, and make me lie, to our dear foster parents!" Billy yelled dramatically.
"Oh this is my fault! You're the one who got sick" Freddy responded.
"Ok, enough!" Mary yelled over them.

They went silent, "Billy did you take medicine?" she said.
"Yeah," he said quickly acting like he got in trouble with his mom.
"Ok, I'll was dishes and everyone go to bed." Mary said.

They all went to go to sleep while Mary did the dishes. Then Mary came to check on them, and the all were still awake.
"Hey guys, is billy ok?"
"No, he keeps trying to scream and singing poetry!" Freddy said.
Cassie was holding her phone up to video tape it.
"With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy!"
"Stop quoting Oscar Wilde!" Freddy shouted.
"To die was an art!"
"Ok, Billy sit down." Mary said.

Billy then went up to his part of the bed, and laid down. "Are you a witch or something?"
"Yeah, we tried to get him to do that and he never even came close!" Freddy added.
Cassie went up her, then touched her on the cheek.
"Wow, she is real." Cassie said.
"Very funny, back to bed both of you."

Freddy and Cassie got into bed together, and Mary shut the door.
"I think my throat is soar." Cassie said.
"Yeah mine is too." He said spooning her.
"I think billy made us sick."
"Shit" he responded.

The Geek 1 and 1/2 |Freddy Freeman Where stories live. Discover now