✩Shopping for Brain Cells✩(fluff kinda)

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Cassie and her mom were going to an inside mall with Freddy's family. They were putting on makeup in the bathroom together, "I'm so happy we get to leave dad here."
"Same, the dick, won't stop bothering me. He's so clingy, like the other day I was heading to the store and he was like 'stay with me'. Caterina(her mom) said in a baby voice.
"Ew, stop." She responded.
"I know, then he tried to guilt trip me into staying, like bitch I got a life!"
Cassie laughed with her mother, "You sure know how to pick 'em."
"Hey, he hid his psychoness very well. Which reminds me how are things with Freddy?" She said while putting on mascara.

Cassie grabbed the blush "Amazing, obviously. He's literally the best boyfriend ever! He's so kind, energetic, selfless, smart, and thoughtful. Nothing like dad, ahh! I love him!" she giggled.
"Well, good thing he's nothing like your ex, Timothy!"
"Hey, he hid his psyconess pretty well!"  They both laughed and continued getting ready. Cassie was super close to her mom, she was her best friend.

Cassie and Caterina arrived at the mall before anyone else did. They heard a loud music coming from behind them and they turned around. It was a Volkswagen, it pulled up beside them, Cassie already had her windows down. Freddy was in the driver's seat with sunglasses, he rolled down his window and Billy was on the passenger side. They were bobbing their heads to the music, then turned to look at them and stopped the music.
"Why hello ladies." Freddy said in a cool tone.
"Cassie, I think this cool dude is asking us if we want a ride in his cool car." Caterina said.
"Don't incourage him!" She said covering her face laughing. Both of the families got out of the car. "How did you convince your parents to let you blast music?" She asked.
"I didn't, they just went along with it. Hey, Mrs. Zyena." Freddy said.
"Hello, cool dude." then she turned to Freddy's parents and started talking.

Billy used Cassie as an arm rest, then Cassie hit him in the chest. Darla ran up and Cassie caught her and hugged her. Billy raised his head and went to get pay back but realized that Cassie was holding Darla. She stuck her tongue out at him, "You using my sister as a shield is horrible, you should be ashamed of yourself. How do you sleep at night?"
"With your brother." she replied.
Freddy laughed, "hahaha she got you!" Freddy and Billy started to play wrestle with each other. Eugene and Pedro got out of the car, "let's go to the gaming section first!" Eugene said. Pedro, Freddy, and Billy agreed.

"I kinda want to go shopping first!" Darla said.
"Yeah, well that's not what we want to do. You girls will take forever!" Billy said.
"And boys won't take forever in any other section, like the food?" Darla snapped back.
They all started arguing. "Ok! This is ridiculous, us ladies will stick together." Cassie said grabbing her purse from her mom. The ladies all started to walk away,  "Unless, you think we need your protection!" she lazily put her hands outward to the girls, then laughed and walked off with the them.

Cassie was holding Darla's hand when they went into the clothes area. Darla went off to Mary for a bit, then she continued shopping by herself a little. She came up to the girls in a pair of sunglasses she bought, then put her hand on the wall, leaning.
"What, do you think?" she blew a kiss at them.
"Oh, such a hottie!" Mary said.
"Yes, girl, you got it all figured out!" Darla snapped her fingers in the air. They all bursted out laughing, then a group of preppy grils looked at them and rolled their eyes. They all looked at each other and continued laughing.

The boys were picking out what video games they wanted then Freddy saw some Star Wars games.
"Whatcha looking at Freddy?" Victor asked.
"It's Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars! Cassie was looking for this every where. She was also talking about a new games coming out called: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, and Star Wars Eclipse! She'll love this! "

Meanwhile the girls were  enjoying a manicure. Her mom said the dark red would probably be better so she picked it out. They carried all of their stuff out of the clothes section and went to get some ice cream. It was extremely cold in the store.
"My tits are so cold they could cut ice! Can we go outside of the store?" Cassie asked Mary.
"First, of all I did not need to know that. Secondly, yes."
They went to the book section and shopped a little.

Cassie picked up, love hypothesis, a Touch of Darkness, Shatter Me, and the whole series of Bridgerton. She heard there was amazing smut in the Bridgerton series, that's the main reason she read, smut.
"Freddy said that you can learn a lot from reading!" Darla said.
"Oh trust me, I'm learning a lot." Cassie said.
"Is that why you two read the same books, to educate yourselves. I always see that you make him read the same books if you have."
"Yep, we're every educated" Cassie said.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Mary said.
"A lot of things, I need you to be specific."
"Mary, we were just talking about getting smart!" Darla said.
"Yeah, Mary what's the big deal?" she laughed.
Mary rolled her eyes at her.

The boys were on the other side of the store, messing around with lightsabers.
"Cassie would kill us if she knew that we were playing with lightsabers without her!" Eugene said.
"Then don't let her find out!" Billy said deflecting one of Pedro's strike.
"Hello there!" Cassie shouted grabbing a blue light saber.
"General Kenobi!" Freddy said hopping onto Billy's back, then they started to swing the lightsabers in both hands. Freddy fell on the ground laughing then hit one of the shelves. They all bursted out laughing even more, Cassie went to lean on a shelf but quickly realized to late, that there was nothing there and fell on the ground. Billy pointed at Cassie on the ground at started laughing louder. Billy was on the ground and Victor put his hands on his knees and starts to laugh as well. Mary got it all on video and then after five minutes they started to compose themselves. 

They went to their cars, everyone was talking about their experiences in the mall. "Oh, Cas I almost forgot! Here." he held out the video game he got for her.
"Oh my gods! Freddy, thank you so much!"
She kissed him and he kissed her back. "You're welcome Cas." Cassie asked her mom if they could go over to their house and have a sleep over she said yes. Caterina followed them in her car until they arrived at the house.

Caterina, Rosa, and Victor all made dinner while the kids did their own thing. The girls went up to their rooms and did each other's make up. While the boys went out side. Cassie was putting some blush on Darla, "Darla you look just like a princess!"
Darla gasped "REALLY!"
"Of course! You both do! Oh, I have an idea let's braid each others hair!" Cassie said. They all got into a braid trian in a circle.
"Will you and Freddy ever have children together?" Darla asked.
"If he's still around.. I mean we're not really focused on that right now."
"Ok, Darla all done!"Mary said trying to change the subject.
"Thank you." Cassie whispered to her. Then they heard banging outside of the window. They looked down from the tall upstairs window. Billy and Eugene were smashing the ground with sticks while Freddy and Pedro fought with sticks.
"Why do they do that?" Darla asked.
"Theres a question of the ages. Why must men be so savage?" Cassie asked.
They rolled their eyes and went down stairs for supper.
This wasn't really a fluff kind of thing, I really just wanted to add more dept to the character and her relationship to other people in the story. This is really just my script for when I shift so yeah, you're basically reading everything that will happen in my dr. If you don't know what shifting is highly recommend looking it up on tiktok bc that has a lot of good explanations. Also shifting realities is amazing, highly recommend it, and Freddy loves you!!! Bye💙

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