You, Me, The Kitchen Counter, and The Bath(Smut)

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Cassie was heading to Freddy's house, his family wasn't home because they went to the movie theater. Freddy told his family that he was sick just so he could spend time with Cassie. Cassie and Freddy were going to watch a movie themselves. She knocked on the door and he answered and took her coat off for her then kissed her neck.
He then moved his hands to hug her from behind, she hugged him back, he continued kissing her neck, she ran one hand through his hair. He gave her a hickey then backed away.

"Is the whole point of your existence teasing me?" she asked.
"Yep, do you want some pudding? Don't you just love that word? It's so satisfying, pudding, puuuuding, puuuuuuuddding!"
"Shut up, and go!" she said smiling, then took off her shoes.
Cassie followed him to the kitchen and leaned on the counter. Freddy had to get a spooned that was behind her, "I gotta get there."
"Ok." Cassie didn't move but just ran her hand up and down on his arm, then looked at him. Both of their face were closed, her hand slid to his stomach. Cassie then she looked away and unbuckled his belt slowly while he watched her. She got it loose and then took it off, and looked back up at him. His eyes were nothing but lust, then his lips crashed into her lips and she leaned back even more on the counter. Her hands went around his neck, then he moaned into the kiss. They both broke away and looked at each other.

Cassie hopped onto the kitchen counter, and Freddy got between her legs. They continued making out, then Freddy took her shirt off for her, he then unclipped her bra, and he took off his shirt too.
"Show me the side of you that you don't show other people." Cassie whispered.
They were both panting and Freddy attacked her neck with his tongue and rocked the fuck out of her jaw. Cassie put her hands on his head while he went down to the lower part of her body. Cassie held one hand on his head while supporting herself with the other. Freddy started to suck on one nipple while fiddling with the other, Cassie arched her back. Freddy was a thigh guy, but mostly a boob guy, that part was for sure.

He stopped and came back to eye level with her, and Cassie could feel his hands going up her skirt then he stopped.
"May I?" He asked
"Yes." She replied.
He took her panties off but kept her skirt on.

He put a condom on, that was in his back pocket, because he figured something like this would happen when she came over, and stood between her legs again. She nodded and he pushed in, they both moaned. Freddy went slow and Cassie kissed him then he slowly speed up but only by a little.
"I can't go a-any faster is that ok?"
She nodded, he was going between average speed and slow. Cassie was ok with that, she just wanted him. They broke away but were still close and could feel each other's breath.
"Holy Shit!" Freddy moaned.
Cassie smiled and but Freddy furrowed his eyebrows in pleasure while panting. One of Freddy's hand the was gripping the counter went to grip her thigh. "Oh...fuck! Freddy, y-you're doing... so good!"

"Shit!" He said.
Cassie wrapped her arm around his neck and pecked his lips a couple of times, before they actually started to make out again. They both were a moaning mess, then Cassie broke away and threw her head back. Freddy went to kiss her neck and gave her another hickey, then rested his lips on her neck, not kissing her but moving with his thrusts. Cassie moaned once more but not as much as Freddy was, Freddy backed away from her chest a little then toyed with her clit, while still thrusting.

"Fuck! Freddy... Oh!" Cassie came back up and then kissed him, he moaned and whimpered into the kiss. Cassie could feel that she was close, "Freddy, I'm a-almost...there!"
"I know darling, me...too!"
Cassie came then, with a couple of final thrust he came too. He rested his head on her chest, and tried not to fall over because the whole time his only support was his good leg and the counter. Cassie saw this and grabbed his upper arm and held him.
"Thanks." He said
"Yeah." she replied.
He used the counter to support himself and then kissed her once more, they both smiled into the kiss, then broke away.

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