Argumental Sex(smut)

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Cassie and Freddy were sitting in Cassie's room and cuddling on her bed.
"Hey, Cassie can we talk?"
Cassie hummed in response,
"Why have you been so distant from me lately? You've been distant from everyone lately, now that I realize it."
"No, I haven't." She responded as she put her head up to look him in the eye.
"Yeah, you have. Did I do something?" he asked.
"No, please don't ever say that!" she said standing up.
"Then why?" he said also standing up.
They both looked at each other in pain, "It's just... nevermind." she sighed.

He scoffed and walked past her, Cassie grabbed his hand,"Wait!"
"What?" he responded.
"I want you." Cassie said.
"And how will you have me, with your armor on, always ready for someone to back stab you? Cassie, I will have you without your armor or I will not have you at all."
"I have trust issues, ok? I always have to be ready for someone to betray me, especially men."
"I'm sorry, but not every guy that you let into your life is a bad guy that you can't trust!" he said.
"Really, Freddy then what are you?"
"I am someone who shows up when you need me!"
"I don't need..." Cassie couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence.
Freddy came an inch away from her ear, "Tell me you don't need me, darling." he whispered.

"I don't, I don't..." she and Freddy were looking into each other's eyes, his hand gently going up and down her arm, while the other was snaking around her waist. Freddy dragged his lips against hers and she had chill bumps all over her.
"Say it." He said.
Cassie and Freddy's lips both crashed into each other's fighting for dominance. Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck desperate for more, Freddy's hand went against her stomach then down to her clit and rubbed up and down. Cassie moaned in response to him, then Freddy backed away and put his hands in the air.
"I'm sorry." he said.
"No!" she grabbed the back of his neck again and pulled him into the kiss once more.

Freddy gave in, Cassie pulled her shirt off, then Freddy started giving her a hickey down her neck. Freddy wished that he had the self discipline to walk away, out of her room, but that was the thing, he couldn't. Cassie palmed him through his pants and ran one hand through his hair. Freddy broke away and took off his shirt, Cassie grabbed his chin, went to kiss him, then kissed all the away to his stomach while getting on her knees. Cassie unbulked his belt and pulled down his pants, then his undwear and she looked back up at him as she went down on him.
Freddy whimpered her name, Cassie worked her tongue on his dick then moved up and down. Cassie moved her head away from his dick and swallowed his precum, then went back to sucking. She swirled her tongue on his mushroom tip, Freddy was a moaning mess.

Freddy was about to lose his balance, he stopped her, "Get on the fucking bed,  now." He said sternly.
Cassie obeyed him and he put his crutch on her stand and put a condom on that was in the drawer, while Cassie took off her shorts and panties. Freddy got between her legs and with out warning started thrusting inside of her. Cassie held in her moan but pain soon turned to pleasure.
"Fuck, gods!" Freddy moaned.
He kissed her neck sloppy while he thrusted, Cassie put her arms around his neck.

Cassie slowly put her legs around his body while he fucked her.
"Oh my... Freddy!" she started to moan but then it turned into a pleasurable sigh.
Freddy broke away from her neck and then they kissed. They both hummed moans into the kiss, and Cassie started to grip his back. She dug her nails into his back and Freddy moaned in response, they had never done it this hard yet. Freddy was afraid to, he wasn't going to make it a regular thing, but gods did he enjoy it, but he just hoped that she did to.
"Oh, Freddy... fuck!" she moaned
Guess that's my answer he thought and smiled into the kiss.

Cassie could feel the son of a bitch smile into the kiss, as much as she didn't like him right now, she loved his body. Freddy stopped, "Get down doggy style." he ordered her. Cassie obeyed, she was usually the dom, but not this time. Cassie got on her knees, ass in the air, and elbows on the bed. Freddy thrusted into her and then went faster, I'm so fucking close. He thought.

Cassie put her head in the pillow and moaned, Freddy put his back against hers while fucking her. She was so warm against his front half, he knew every curve and pleasurable spots on her body. Freddy put his hands over hers and intertwined his fingers with hers. Their hands perfectly intertwined and connected.
Cassie was a moaning mess and so was Freddy, "Freddy!" she moaned.
"Oh, Cassie...fuck, f-fuck!" he moaned to her.
Freddy's twirks started to get sloppy and he brought his right hand away from her hand and rubbed her clit up and down with his thrust. He wanted to make her feel good, his vein started to pop out on his arm a little while messing with her clit. Cassie spread her legs out further while still keeping her legs straight. Cassie's clit was only about two inches away from the bed underneath them.
"Shit! Cassie! You make me feel... s-so fucking g-good."

Cassie came then Freddy did, he collapsed ontop of her, and they both were still trying to catch their breath. Freddy's condom filled up with cum, and then he pulled out of her and rested next to her on the bed. Freddy sat up, threw his condom away, and started to put on his underwear and then his pants on.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Leaving, what does it look like?" he responded.
Cassie put her panties and shorts back on, "Stay please, and you'll get your answer to your question."

Freddy stopped and Cassie scooted close to sit beside him. She was quite for a minute, "It's hard for me to trust people... but if they do manage to get close to me, like you are, I freak out and distance myself. Freddy, you have to understand, I have been backstabbed by my closest friends, but my father hurt me before any person could. So, to me the best way to protect myself is to only rely on myself, and keep my distance from people. This is all I know, it's a defense mechanism, but I am trying to work on it. I promise you, I haven't fallen out of love for you, but every now and then I have to take a break from people and distance myself, it's how I heal and recharge. I hope you will forgive me, but when I feel the need I may take some time for myself and ghost everyone. Next time, I do that, I will tell you, so that you know and won't be hurt. I'm sorry if I did hurt you, though."
"Why didn't you just tell me that?" he asked softly.
"I was afraid if you saw that antisocial part of me you would leave. That's what I do I'm always prepared for someone to leave me, so that I won't be disappointed and I'm open to new opitions and experiences in life."
"But I think a part of me will always need you though." Cassie then kissed him and went to straddle him.
I'm sorry this took so long to write, I'm working on another story right now about Miguel O'Hara off of Spider Man Across the Spiderverse. I will be posting just not as often. Although, I do plan on working on the fan fiction to Shazam 2, I still have to watch it over and over again to memorize the dialogue. Ok, bye Freddy and I love, but if you want to read the Miguel O'Hara story I will leave a link or something. (it'll be extremely spicy enemies to lovers)

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