More dominant (smut)

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Cassie was a switch but mostly dom, and she was always on top, Freddy didn't mind this but he really wanted to change it up a bit and be more dominant.
"Hey Cas?" he said beside her, laying down.
"What is it?" she said softly.
"Can we have sex, while the family is away right now?"
"Sure" she said getting up.

He sat up taking his shirt and pants off, as she did the same. Cassie sat on his lap, then kissed him. She started to kiss and grind on him, then flipped her hair to the other side and supported herself by his shoulders a little. He unclipped her bra and threw it to the side, she stood up and he got a condom and they both took their underwear off.

She sat on his lap again and then Freddy pulled away.
"What is it?" She asked.
"I...nothing it's fine."
"No, please...I won't judge."
He sighed then scratched the back off his head. "I... just want to be more dominant, like ontop."
"Oh, ok. Let's do it." She nodded.

She got off of him then laid down, she put her legs between him, and then put her hands around his neck. He got on all fours and loved the way she looked. He then lined himself up with her and looked at her for approval, then she nodded, and he pushed in slowly.

His chest made contact with hers and he kissed her. She moaned into the kiss, and he grunted, he started to move and he broke the kiss.
"Aahhh, shit, Freddy" she moaned slowly.
"Ohhh, fuck" he said.
He pushed in more until he was all the way in and then went a little faster. Cassie let out a couple of pleasurable sighs as Freddy whined. Cassie moved one arm and put it on his bicep, then bit down on her lip holding in a moan.

"D-don't hold it i-in, love! I want to hear you moan my name. " He said.
"Ohhh, Freddy!" she said loudly.
She dug into his bicep with her finger nails.
"Freddy, fuck your d-doing so good!"
"Cas, fuck!" He whimperd.
Cassie's hand that was on his neck went to ruffle his hair, as she made a hickey mark on his neck. Cassie's head went back on the pillow and her hand went to the back of his neck.

"You f-feel so good...around me, Cas!"
Then he went faster, Cassie moaned in response, she then rolled her eyes in the back of her head. They were both breathing fast, and Freddy went down to give a hickey to Cassie's neck, while still going in and out of her.
"Freddy, ohh!"
He stopped giving her a hickey and looked into her eyes while inside her. She started to move and fuck him while on bottom.

They moved in perfect sync, and Freddy felt her walls start to throb, he felt so close.
"I-Im almost there!" she said.
"Me too!"
He came and being a gentleman, still continued until he felt her cum. He stopped and rested on her for a minute, then pulled out and rolled over. They were both out of breathe, and panting.
"That was amazing! Did you like it? " Freddy said out of breathe.
"Yeah, I enjoyed it! It was perfect." she responded.

Freddy combed his hair with his hand backwards, then rested his hand above his head. Freddy got up, threw his condom away then, got a rag. He knelt to her, got between her legs, and cleaned her with the rag.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, fangirl."
"Can you kiss my foot, also?" she said jokingly. He laughed then held her left foot up and kissed it gently, he then traveled up her leg with his breath until he came to her knee and stopped. He let her feel his breath on her leg to tease her. Cassie didn't even realize that she was holding in a breath. She wasn't serious but he did it anyway, she felt so many butterflies as he looked back up at her.  She loved it that he gave her princess treatment all the time.

"You just like being a brat, don't you?" He said.
"Yeah, but you love it." She said teasingly.  She kissed him then spoke.
"You wanna to go another round?" She said giving seductive eyes.
"Fuck... Yeah" He said pushing her down back on the bed, getting another condom.

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