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The demon Envy smirked at Xena as she stood across from him and Gabrielle. Who had fallen under his control.

Welp I think it's about time to wrap this up  I'm curious to see how this plays out. Are you gonna kill her? Is she gonna kill you? Too bad Greed's not here, he would be placing bets on this one for sure. Wonder what he's up to.

He's dead. And you're buddy Sloth is too.

Don't tell me, you're the reason they're gone.

Well not just me.

Envy looked at Gabrielle. Getting the implication that she and Xena had killed those two demons.


What's wrong Envy? Not so fun when you lose someone you care about is it?

The demon was silent for a moment. He bowed his head.

You should just give up now. Release Gabrielle and maybe I'll consider sparing you.

Envy remained quiet. Then after a few more moments, the demon began to slightly snicker. The snikering gradually built to a low chuckle. The chuckle worked its way to a full hysterical laugh.

You honestly think I gave a damn about them. Humans are so ridiculous. Demons don't care about that sort of sentimental crap. Hell I would've killed them myself if it benefited me.

You're a monster.

Monster, demon, call me whatever you want. It doesn't make any difference. Now where were we? Oh right, kill her.

With that order the Envy controlled Gabrielle ran in and began attacking Xena. Xena dodged her swings. But she didn't throw out any offense. Xena just continued to avoid the incoming strikes. Envy stood by and watched.

You know you can't win unless you fight back right?

While keeping her focus on avoiding Gabrielle, Xena spoke to Envy.

(Annoyed tone) Be quiet.

(Sarcasm) Oh is someone cranky?

The demon laughed, as Xena felt herself becoming angrier and angrier.

I said shut up!

Xena jumped back from Gabrielle and quickly hurled her chakrum at the demon.

That didn't work before, why would it work now?

Envy dodged the projectile. As he did Xena began running  off to the side.

Now what are you doing? Don't just stand there, go after her.

The demon controlled Gabrielle chased after Xena. Xena glanced back at her.

That's it, come on.

Xena ran into a group of trees. Gabrielle followed close behind. But ended up losing track of Xena.

Come on Xena. Are you seriously hiding right now? I know what you're trying to do. You're gonna wait until I let my guard down and then take me down when I least expect it. But what happens when I stay ready for you? What then Xena?

Are you ready now?!


The Envy controlled Gabrielle looked up as Xena dropped down from the trees above and tackled her to the ground. The two struggled for dominance. After a short scuffle, Xena gained control. She grabbed some rope she found and tied Gabrielle's hands behind her back. Then with her still fighting to get free, Xena tied Gabrielle to a tree.

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