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Lust continued to elude Xena and Gabrielle as they kept up their search for the demon. Other than the fact that the people of the city were clearly under it's spell, there didn't seem to be any sign of the demon. And the fact that they were dealing with the demon Lust made it more difficult to search for it thoroughly without repeatedly walking in on people while they were acting on the demons influence. Still they searched the whole exterior of the town and peaked into most of the buildings, but came up empty handed.

This demon's alot more difficult to find then I thought it would be.

Xena thought for a moment, then signed. Clearly unhappy with the thought she just had.

What is it?

I  think I know why we can't find the demon.


Because we're not looking in the right places.

What do you mean by "the right places"?

Just think about it for a minute Gabrielle. If you were the demon in this scenario. And you didn't want to be found, where would probably be the best place for you to hide?

Obviously where I didn't think anyone would look.

Exactly. And where haven't we been looking  or rather avoiding.

It didn't take long for Gabrielle to get what Xena was getting at.

Oh no Xena. I thought you said that we weren't going to go barging into places like this for obvious reasons.

Hey I'm not thrilled about it either.

Oh really. What happened to,
(Mocking tone) it's just sex.

Xena gave her a slightly annoyed look, then gave a defeated sigh.

Look, no matter how either of us might feel about doing this I don't think we're left with much choice here. We need to set these people free from Lust's hold over them. And in order to do that, we have to find this demon and get rid of it.

(Sighs) And in order to do that we need to do a thorough search of anywhere that the demon could be hiding. Including the places we don't necessarily want to look. Meaning the city's interiors, which is where everyone being affected by Lust's power seems to be. I get it. You're right, that probably is where the demons been hiding.

Gabrielle looked around at all the buildings.

Even without that fact this is still gonna be difficult. This city's huge. We've got alot of ground to cover.

Then we better get going before Lust decides to move on and we lose it's trail completely.

Xena began making her way for the nearest building.

Let's this over with.

Xena and Gabrielle proceeded to expand their search for the demon to the city's interiors. Each building they entered they tried their best to try and ignore any scene they may have stumbled upon. Keeping their focus on the task at hand. As they looked, Xena and Gabrielle came to yet another house to search. They went inside and looked around most of the house before coming to the last room. Xena opened the door. But quickly shut it again. After seeing the extremely racy scene on the other side, it was enough to even cause Xena to slightly blush.

Well it's not In there.


(Joking) Although that does give me some ideas.

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