manik introduction

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A boy got up from bed 5  in the morning and went to walking , and after he came back walking he took bath and came to kitchen after he got ready  for office.He made breakfast for himself because he stays alone because of job this is manik introduction
Now i will address manik has m
M- After having breakfast i came to office their i has cabir how is chit chatting with colleagues
Cabir- best friend of manik and now's manik in and out
M- hi sale what your doing.
Ca- nothing yar she has some doubts regarding accounts i am clarifying any way good morning
M - good morning ,kk carry on i am going to my cabin
Like that the day passed away he came home and cooked for himself after eating he went to bed and slept
This is manik daily life

Tq guys for reading please support me🙏

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