In Delhi....
After nandu went to home and with out speaking anything she went too her room and texted manik that she came to her roomm....
at nandu home downstairs....
isha ,navya and nyeo looked each other faces and navya come out of shock they were shock bcz after coming from college nandu didnot greet them soo they were shock she did not speak one single word toooo.
Nav-what happen to her mom y she is dull....
isha-after sometime we will ask don't worry...
neyo-bhabhi come we will go and do dinnerr ...
nav-mom i will go and sleep for some time...
neyo-ok betaaa.after sometime u and nandu both come down for dinner...
nav-ok mom with that she went to her roomm....
other side manik....
man pov-after i dropped nandu with great difficult i can't become emotinal bcz nandu will become emotinal and she will cryyy... after some time i came to my friend room and spent some time with them and i went to airport and i went to manil back mean while i texted nandu and at that time i saw nandu message and i texted her that i am boarding my flight and i said morning i wil call her....i was in flight and i was lost in nandu thoughts...i one day i can't just imagine my life without nandu she was just super and i love her antics she is soo cute a her face can say everything.....ohhh god till 10 days i should hold my lovee after that i will be with nanduuuuu..with that he slept offf ....
on other side in nandu homee...
nan pov-i messaged manik but he didnot reply i think he is busy with friends...and wowww finally today is my day i just can't forget the day we spent less time but i can say he just care me so muchhh and he will protect mee i am soo lucky to have him in my life and after marriage i won't be separate from parents alsoo and i can say they won't stop from dreams and they won't obeject me while doing job after completing my coursee...while i was in my own thoughts some one knock the door and it was navya /...
nav-what happen nandu yyy ur dull and where were u lost while u came back from colleg and both moms were worried about uu what happen....
nan- hold down babyyy come i will sayy u what happen and i think after listening to u will be most happiest person and ya plz don't sayy to anyone even ur so called bff online
nan-hey he is not so called okkk and i think he will be my better half a part from ur parents and ur aunty uncle and he is the person who really cared about mee and he was supported me in my off timess....
nan- okk cooll baba come sit here i will say u everthing with that she started saying everthing after listening to nanduu navya was shockkk and nandu shake the navya shoulder she came out from lala land....
nav-nandu are u really serious u bunked the class its really r nott....
nan-yaaa navyaa i did not went to collegeee...
nav- u finally met him and y cabir don't know just now i spoke but he didn't said mee anything he is hiding things from meee...
nan-no baby he didnot say anything to cabir also anyone don't know.....
nav-okk i just asked about bro to cabir he said he was in leavee ...
nan-yaa i said naaa...
mean time nandu mobile beeped....its from manik message saying that he boareded flight and nandu face was lightenupp and navya saw that....

A Cute love story (MANAN)
RomanceA girl from one city and boy from other place , how they met each other and fall for each other a cute love story.....................