part 12

128 10 4

After  manik went to his room...

Man pov-  wowww now i can leave with nanduuu in own thoughts he is dancing like anythinggg... and he called her.

Nan pov -wowww now i can be with manik in the same home know i should inform him r not i think he is knoww...while she was thinking at the same time my mobile ringed  and its non other than manik.................

Man - hi nandini...

Nan- hi manikk...

Man- hii  i got one news and i think u also know that.....

Nan-yaaa yaaa i am happy finally our familes will get to gether....

Man- yaaa  and my mom was so happyy...

Nan- ya my mom was literally started jumping when dad said...

Man- yaa so what else ..

Man pov-- now i should  tease herr....

Nan- are u theirrr............

Man- yaa yaa..i am so happy know i get girl friend...

Nan- what howw........

Man- i asked right to introduce ur friend i thought it will be difficult to love in long distance now i will be same cityy...

Nan pov_-get lost i will kill u like hell........

Nan- yaaaa don't worry....

Man pov- woww nandini u manage welll......

Nan - ok manik i will call u tommorrow....

Man- y yar u can talk right some time,....just tell me about ur friends...

Nan- when u will come right then i will introduce uuuu don't worryyyy, inside she is burning like anythinggg 

Nan- now bye

Man- any way i think ur busy byee.......

Man pov- i think she is jealouss and i think burningg ......

Nan pov- what the hell yar he just thinking about otherss i am like hell he won't  see love in my voice and i am upset......

with that every one were slept and that day was off  manik was returing to his job 

Manik and nandini slept with lots of thoughtsss....

Next day morning....

At 7 nandini home..

nanduu get upp see the timeee nanduu u should make the habit to get at 6 bcz after few days we are leaving with my brothers home soo from now make the habit. be listening those words from her mom nandu what mom that is also my home now i am not leaving with others and i am not leaving in others homeee... so better i won't change my habits and don't say to change this that ok mommm.while saying those words from back side her father cam and said yes beta ur right noo need to change ur habits that is also ur homee.. soo be happy with those words all three hugged and her father now get up beta get ready u should goo u college...

Nan- ok dad...
With that her mom and dad went to hall.and did her daily chores and after she got ready for college she took her mobile and messaged to manik and went to hall and having dinner with her parents..

Other side at 7 ...
Manik in call...
Man- yes mom i reached at 4.30now i got up ....

Nyo- ok beta but get readyyy and pack ur staff when u come next time we will take them with us remaining u can get...

Man- ok mom, now i will hang up, bye mom....

After the call manik did his daily chores and got ready for office and came to kitchen and made his breakfast.and came and sat on the hall and seeing Mobile when I was busy with his mobile he got notification it's from Nandini...

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