part 16

143 11 14

In Delhi..

Nandu was waiting  to go out and while she was  seeing her whether her uncle left are not suddenly a car came and stop in front of her.......a man came out from the car and nandu was shocked.....he came to her side
And the man said hii nanduuu....and he tapped nandu shoulder bcz she was shocked......

Nandu-are uu mad yyy u came to college.....

Person- relaxxxx yy ur sooo tensed.....

Na- u don't know anything see now ur ur dad went and just now u camee if he saw uuu problem will come u don't have any  fear ....yes the person was manik....

Man- relax.... Babyyy comee first noo hug for ur bfff......

Nan- blushed and she said noo way what u don't have shame now comee we will go from here first....

Man- okkkk 😪  come with that both went to inside the car.....

Nan- don't make that faces.....

Man- okk now where we should gooo .

Nan-first did u have breakfast.....

Man- noo i came to see my baby....

Nan- blushed and  ok first we will have breakfast....

Man- ok...with that they went to resturant to have breakfast....

Man- what u have nanduuu....

Na- i will drink coffee u eat breakfast i had my breakfast.....

Man- have one dosa with ne give me company...

Na- ok ....with manik was ordering the for them....

Nan pov-what a life change i was just dream about him but now i just can't believe now i meeting him and and have breakfast this was just like dream... when nandu was in her own thoughts.... Manik just waved hands ..

Man-where are u in which thoughts.....

Nan- ntg just thinking it was just like yesterday i met u in uncle house now  today i am meeting uuu...soo just thinking about that ....

Man- thinking sameee .....i don't know about love even before i was in relationship but after spending time with uu in calls only but i got know what is love and realationship....
Mean while breakfast cameee....

Nan- next where we will gooo....
While sipping coffee..

Man- u say we will gooo....

Man- movie.....

Nan- okk...

Man- ok but where we should gooo....

Nan-it's come we will go to mall....

Man- okkkk ...with both after breakfast they went to mall....

Nan- bava come we take tickets......

Man- it's ok come.. wait... I will book here have some coffeee.....

Nan- noo bava comee yyy to waste money while booking in online it's waste here comee two minds with that she dragged manik by holding his hands.....

Man- chalooo u won't listen to any onee.....with nandu smiled and showed her teeth......

Nan- yes nandu here....with that both went to buy tickets and went to movie and sat on their seats...and movie Started....

Man- nanduu what else....

Nan- bava see The movie..

Man- what the now u came too see movie no right to spend time with me .....

Nan- okkk what else......

Man- nothing see the movie we talk later...with that both started seeing moviee....after movie completed they went to restaurant and had their lunch...

Man- nandu can we go to one place and talk without disturbance....

Nan- suree...i will say one one will be their...with that both went to parkkkk...after reaching near the park both got down from car and manik hold the nandu hand and both went to park and sat on one chair....

Man- nanduu do u really wanna a give a chance to  our relationship......

Nan- bava i don't know if u believe r not i really have huge crush on uuuu....and after seeing uuu my mind was block when I called i was really happyuu..... I really like uuu and i should that question bcz ur tall and u look handsome i think some many girls like uuu but mee i am an average girl donu really like mee....manik listened everything.....and spoke......

Man- nanduu do u think i Don't like uuu  and u can feel i really like u nandu i don't know how to express but i can't leave without uuu even if u can't talk  i can't survive on that dayyy..... and don't think u are average the most beautiful girl in my life i have seen uu and u know when I saw uu first time i was block and u called bavaa u know my heart and mind skipped one min.....u should always call me bavaaaa.......i wanna marry u after ur u have any problem...

Nan- noo but u should keep secret to our parents and everyone and i will doo job r anything u should not say nooo....okk....

Man- oka babaaaaa..... Nanduu i lovee uuuu......

Nan- tqqq bavaa for accepting meee i lovee uuu so much...with that she started a kid.....

Man- laughed and nandu hold onnn and see ur college time finsihed i think i will drop u in home....

Nan- bavaa i Don't want too gooo plzzz I wanna stay with uuuu....

Man - nandu only 10 days then i will be with you forever plzzz Jaan noo more arguments....

Nan- still i don't want to.... leave uuuu with that she hugged manik suddenly....manik was stunned.....and he came from shock and patted nandu back and said.....

Man-  nanduuu clam downnn plzzz nanduuu now plzzz if u feel sad i can't gooo to Manali and plzzz yaaa...

Nan-okk comee with that they went to car and manik started car to her home

Man- now nandu say me route.....

Nan- ok..... And she said the route to their home....after ten mins manik stopped the car little far away from their home.....

Man- chalo nanduu a good girl i will call u after landed okk be a good girl and smile plzz.....

Nan- okkk...with that she too don't know suddenly she kissed manik on lipss...with short she separted and she looked manik and he was stunned....and shock....he was in own lala lala land....

Nandu - manik manik....

Man-haaa nanduuu ....

Nan - sorry without ur permission i kissed uuu i Wass....sryyy for thattt ....plzzz....while talking manik kissed her.... first it was just simple Kiss later it turned hard and manik started bitting nandu lips and nandu too same both are playing with their lips and lack of breathe.....they separated....

Man-tqq for beautiful gift nandu i lovee uuuu ... Kissed forehead....

Nan- i love bavaaaaa....

Man - noww goo i can't stay more time heree plzzz.....
With that nandu went too homee......


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