part 7

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Like this days passed away after 10 days .....
Nan pov- now how should I get his no. Howw ......
Think nandu think u can do it... While i was thinking suddenly navya came and called me
Nav- Nandu where are u, what ur thinking.
Nan- nothing navya i want manik no. I should talk with him... How should I contact with him
Nav - nandu from the day u came u just saying manik manik manik what is this yar he just ignored u and again you want to talk with him...
Nan- hmmmm 😔😔😔
Nav- ok don't keep that face i can't see u. Ok do one search in social media with his full name.
Nan- yar i searched everywhere but i couldn't find out.
Nav -now leave that go home Tomorrow we should submit record and ur bus is also moving.
Nan- bye dear byee
Nan pov- after saying bye to navya i came and sat in my place and thinking how to contact with him suddenly i got an idea and i called  one person who is mediater for both the families.
Nan- bhai how are you.
Other person - fne nandu.what a pleasant surprise u called me.
Nan-bhai i want one help Bhai.
Other person - say me nandu.
Nan-bhai i want manik Mobile no.
Other person - y nandu and both families are not talking and u PPL don't have contact right
Nan-it's k when I came to Village i met and i should teach him a lesson.she said to her abt gender incident
Other person- ok nandu here take this and he just said the no. Bye nandu i am busy right know
Nan - thankyou Bhai byee
Nan pov- i just covered something with Bhai yes he was Correct we both the families are not in contact any way i got the no. Wowww.i was literally jumping but due bus only my heart was jumping.
And i went to my room after fresh up i was holding my Mobile  thinking to call him r message him,if i message him he will reply are not i was in my own thoughts.....
End of nandu pov

Manik pov- i don't it's been 10 days i Missing her and i don't know how to contact her, bcz of nandini I had my breakup.she left me bcz of Nandini..
Y nandini y ur full of my thoughts cannot you see me peacefully.i want to talk with her howwww......when I was in my own thoughts i got message and i saw that i jumping in my roomm...and ur correct that message is from nandu.....i mean nandini...
End of manik pov-

Nan pov- ok cool now with out wasting time i should message him, if he give reply and if he message me daily the. I will think about him now i should message him and took mobile and thinking what message should I send himmmmm.......

Nan - Hi manik this is nandini we safely reached
Nan pov- i was waiting for reply and i was roaming in my room from one end to other end and suddenly my phone got beeped....and i just hold my mobile and i was praying that message should be from manik and my hands were shivering....
End of nandu pov

Manik - Hi Nandini.. ok
Na- how are u manik
Man- i am fine nandini and you and how is Abhi
Nan-ya we are fne and how is aunty uncle
Man - they are fne
Nan pov-after that i don't know what should I speak soo i got an idea.....
Nan-how could you think that i male
Man- what?
Man pov - i was shock what type of question is that and i think she is mad and seeing her madness i want to bang my head while thinking that my mobile beeped and i opend message
Nan- yar u just  filled the gender column male and my name is nandini
Man- ohh sryyy yar it was just mistake
Man pov - ohh what shit how I can fill the column like that did she get embress in bus it's k abhi was their and i think he solved the problem.
Nan- don't have brain to fill like that
Nan pov-i don't know what to send if he get to know that i messaged him bcz i have feelings on him no nandini u should hide it from him sooo i thought to serious on him so I send him message like i hate him...and after that i got message from.and i shocked by seeing that message
Man - sorry madam and byee.....
Man pov - she just said that i don't have brain how can she scold me so  I don't want to talk to her so I said byee
Nan pov- how u can he be so cruelly can't he request so much attitude he have,... Go to the hell manik.....
End of the both povs

Both where in there own thoughts  don't know what to do and how to start the conversation....

I think this end of this  chapter.........

tq guys please support me and give me suggestions on writing messages.........

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