part 9

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Next day nandini is sleeping peacefully suddenly she got up because of alarm.
Nan pov-what the hell yar today my mom kept alaram.. seriously she doesn't love me...

and i went to my daily chores and i took bath and got ready for my college.and i am thinking whether to message manik are not while i was thinking my mother called me and i went down.....

Nan-good morning mom.

isha-good morning beta,here take ur Favorite tea drink till the time i get ur breakfast.

Nan-tq mom, and when dad and bhai will come.

isha-today evng they will come and they said they a surprise for us we will wait and see and have ur breakfast.

Nan-ok mom i will eat in bus and bye see uuu ........

Nan pov- after saying bye to mom i came to busstop and boarded bus and as usally i sat on my place and i was thinking whether to message him are not while i was thinking a mobile beeped and i thought it may be manik message but its from navya soo i ignorened after lots of thoughts i thought to message him so i open my whatsapp and i messaged him.

Nan-hi manik good morning..

Man pov-today i got up lazily and i missed my walking, and lazily i did my daily chores and i started preapring breakfast while i was preparing breakfast i thought to message nandini,but for some reason i ignored may be bcz i don't have that courage are coonection with her with these i completed having my breakfast after that i went to office because today i have important meeting so i went fast....

Nan pov-i waited for reply till afternoon i din not got any reply i don't y i literally want to bang his head i thought to call hime but ignored but i thought he may be busy r he went to his home...i ignored him and i was chilling with my friends

Man pov- i kept my mobile silent bcz i was in meeting oh god, manager said only 1 hr meeting but its still continue seriously now the time is 12.20 om god itd afternoon and still the meeting is on i am getting bored and i can't walk off bcz i am the department manager....i am getting hungry and beside my bhokad also their non other cabir he was just starring as if he get chance he will eat me. bcz he said i don't want to come to meeting no where he is related to this meeting i forced him i said him only one hour....

Cab-salle kuthi now see i want to gooo out i am hungryy.......

Man-please wait cabir for my sake only 30minss..

Cab -ok only 30 mins if not i will walk off thats ur wish....

Man pov- with some argumnets cabir convinced by god grace the meeting completed in 30 mins only.and i came out first i went had myy lunch with cabir for late lunch cabir said today the bill i should i pay .... and literally he odered whole canteen thats y i call him bhookad..After completing lunch we came back to our places and i started searching my mobile from morning i did not see my mobile.and i went to cabir he said check whether i forgot in bike and i went and i saw my mobile was their in bike after taking mobile i came inside and sat on cabin when I opened my mobile i got notification ya it's from nandini.and i opened and saw good morning message ohh God she messaged Mee... after i just her the reason and i kept my mobile a side and i involved in my work....
Nan pov - i was in afternoon session so completely forgot abt manik and after college me and navya sitting in bus and then i opened my mobile saw message from manik....
Man- hi nandini i am sryy  i got late to office so in morning i didn't saw ur message and i have meeting  soo i sryyyy....
Nan pov- y he is giving explanations to me yarrr....
Nan-its k manik  and ya now i am going after 1 hr if ur free can message mee are u can call me....

after that nandini slept in bus.............

Man pov- i was doing  my work.. and i got message notification and i opened its from nandini after reading ignored.........y ignored is bcz she  said to call me after 1 hr sooo i ignored...

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