Tied Situation (Dream x Killer)🧸

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This is a special gift for TheLonerWraiter because she has done a lot for my books and for everything that I posted, (not that you guys haven't either!)  She's a good friend, Go check out her book (Chosen Falls For A Pirate) it's an Afterdeath book and really good!

Walking stealthily, I crouched through the lofty green grass and waited for the signal while slowly following my target without much noise for him to hear. Only moving when the breeze would blow in the direction I was supposed to so I could keep a close visual on him and not be spotted by our enemy.

I watched the brutal fighting continue, it was quite the show from a distance but I had to focus in order for us to succeed in our plan.

It was almost noon but the sun had not set yet and the sky was still its crystal blue color with a few poofy clouds roaming it.

The two sides were clashing in an open field with tall lush forest green pine trees surrounding the large area. The tall grass was just as dark with small colorful flowers cluttering in with the grass.

They had been fighting for almost an hour, and half of the area already looked burnt to a crisp.

It was a beautiful sight for the eye but I had no feeling for it being demolished by Dust's gaster blasters, Horror's cleaver, and everyone else's attacks and defenses.

Except for one.

Dream however was elegant when making a single movement, almost as if he was moving with the wind. As if he and nature were one, fighting side by side, in sync with each other.

His moves were so delicate that he didn't even slice a single piece of grass, not even the tip of one piece. It was impressive really, but I had little to no interest in his skills.

I had no feelings though. So whatever it was, a animal dying, one of my colleagues getting injured, or something that was mildly intriguing. I felt nothing about it.

But the reason that I'm not in the battle currently is because boss came up with a plan.

The plan was we go to a positive AU that we know is near them. Bring them in by roughing the Alternate up a bit to lure them in.
And we either injure them enough to the point where they can't continue fighting or put them in a vulnerable position to trap them. Or both, that would probably be the best decision.

But I don't make the rules. I just follow orders when given by boss, and that order was to wait for the signal and keep a close eye on my target.

A swift breeze suddenly came out of nowhere and started blowing in the direction that I needed to go.

Crouching a little lower I started to slowly move to my right. While I was moving.
I watched Dream trying to direct himself closer to his comrades but was clearly struggling since Nightmare was using his tendrils to shoot at the direction Dream was trying to maneuver himself to.

Both of them obviously knew that they were trying to get each other to a specific spot for either of their plans to work but neither of them was falling for it.

Nightmare was starting to get frustrated and I could see that he was about to take a seriously risky move just to get Dream to move in my direction so our plan could proceed.

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