Early Christmas Gift (Murder x Killer)🟢

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No, the pic above is not their actual height in this one-shot, just a pic.

My eyes fluttered open as I heard my alarm blaring right next to me on my nightstand. Grumbling, I took my time to force myself to sit up from my comfortable hole.

Smacking the button on top of my obnoxious alarm clock. Standing up I sauntered over to my dresser, opened the drawers, and pulled out a new pair of my daily wear.

Today was a training day. Where all of us train for the whole day, and only get meal breaks or water.

And if you're not dueling anyone at the moment, you've got to head to the training puppets to try and better your tactics.

Not that anyone cared, except for me.

Slipping on my blue-paled sneakers I tied the laces and stood up from the bed. Heading out the door and down the gloomy and narrow hallway.

The lights on the walls gave the hallway a light purple glimmer, making it feel like walking in a forest in an autumn noon.
Maybe even a magical one.

I wonder if everyone is awake yet. Probably not knowing them, lazy bums. Oh, who cares, might as well make myself breakfast and then head to the arena to warm up.
I planned in my head.

Striding down the black-carpeted stairs, I looked at the well-carved glossy marble stair panel. The carvings looked like they had vine-like flowers that swirled and guided us to the bottom. When I reached the end of the stairs, I turned a right and entered the living room. Going behind the large couch, I quietly strode to the entrance of the kitchen.

Glancing around the pitch-black room, I searched for the switch on the wall, finding nothing, I went to the next wall.

My fingers slowly danced across the wall as I searched for the nub. Getting to the edge of the wall, I finally felt my digits skim over something smoother than the wallpaper and stuck out. I went back to it and realized it was the regulator. Flicking it on, dim light lit the room into an eerie grey setting.

It was a sickly calm environment, boss hated bright light, so went with ones that gave the castle a haunting vicinity. Not that I cared though.

Striding around the glossy wood Hearst table, I went into the other dark wood door across the room. Opening it, I walked into the kitchen and to the fridge and plunged into it.

After making a cereal bowl, I sat on the counter and scarfed it down so I could go right to training without seeing anybody for a bit. I just felt an urge of wanting to be alone for today and train in silence.

Maybe Error would be generous enough to let me have a silent battle with him, he usually doesn't like battling with me since I apparently rough him up too much for being an anomaly. But he doesn't mind when I offer a silent battle, where I don't tease him for getting a small beating from a morsel like me. I guess you could say that it was like mine and Error's little personal bonding time together. I didn't enjoy having any silent battles with the rest of the team because then they would take the opportunity to tease and bother me for hours about it. Like that one mosquito at night when you're trying to sleep, it buzzing in your ears constantly and you can't seem to find it no matter how hard you try.

It was hypocritical of me but at least they do get a break from my consistent sarcastic remarks, so, why couldn't they give me a break?

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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