Lusty Confessor (Lust x Killer) 🧸🔥

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multi_ship_join requested this but has left Wattpad but I'm still going to do it. And I know this wasn't part of the request but what's at least one fluff without angst?

"So, tell me again. Why exactly am I going to Underlust on this particular mission, and what effect does it have on us in what Lust is doing?"

"I have been suspecting that Lust has been helping the stars a bit. So I want you to try and get as much information off of him as possible. Not only that but this mission is a long-term mission. So you may be having to go to Underlust a lot for the next few weeks or months."
Nightmare annoyedly informed again for almost the hundredth time, so it seemed.

"Ah, I see. And we can't kidnap him since then he'll know what we'll want. Right boss? Then the stars will try to rescue him. We'll fail because we're the villains and so on and so forth. Right?"

"Yes, yes, whatever. All you need to do however is try and befriend him, just make sure it's not obvious."
Nightmare implied

It's been two weeks since we had that conversation. I guess all I can say is that the mission is doing well so far. But not as well as I want it to be.

The first day when I arrived in the club, Lust almost instantly noticed me. I didn't mind too much, all I wanted to do that night was to observe, nothing more. But I think he had other plans. I already knew that Lust would suspect me the moment I entered that club. He consistently glanced at me throughout the night.

He went on the pole a lot and looked out at the crowd like he was making sure it was just me and not the whole gang. And right after that, he interacted with me with percise caution.

And it went on from there for the next few weeks. Lust had been talking to me more and more with each passing day but was still suspicious of me. He did ask me why I was there but I only gave him the blunt answer of saying 'I'm just here for a good time.'

Eventually, he stopped asking.

I would only listen and comment here, now and then. He would sometimes slip up a few details about what he did with the stars and I would report it to the boss but it wasn't enough information on what the star's future plans were.

They were mostly about him hanging out with them and talking about some plans they were thinking about doing. But I didn't have the slightest clue on what they were scheming. Lust would stop himself from saying anything further than that.

It was annoying.

The worst part was that, I was starting to enjoy Lust's company. He was making me feel like I was a normal person, someone who wasn't always committing crimes and murdering innocent souls with a passion.

He was treating me with respect and most of all, like a friend. A type of friend that's known each other for years but we only really met one another a few weeks ago.

We only knew each other for our reputation not as a person.

I shouldn't be feeling this way, Lust could at any moment spill what the stars are plotting, and it's my mission to betray that trust once I've got all the information on them. Or most of it.

It was making me frustrated that my SOUL had let Lust in, had let him crumble my well-built walls, like they were that single speck of dirt that landed into your mouth somehow. I didn't want that to happen but you can't get everything you want. And all I wanted was to get my mission done and over with so I could continue with my evil deeds. It wasn't supposed to be this complicated.

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