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"Izuku dear, where are you heading?" Inko, izukus mother. She was quite worried since her son had not returned at his usual time yesterday

"The library!" He gave a big grin showing off a book he had brought yesterday

"Be safe! I'm trusting you come home in time today." Izuku nodded before running off with his bag that has his analysis notebooks

His mother had always trusted him to go out by himself, but he had a certain time he would have to be home. Due to that his mother bought him an All might watch, she would always tell him to be careful if he went to the park. Since he was quirkless, kids with quirks could harm him which has happened. Alot.

He made it to the library and saw someone at the desk, it was not akiko but instead a red haired male. They had razor sharp nails which made them careful with everything they touched incase they ripped something, the same with their teeth which seemed a bit sharper. pure black eyes, turned to him.

"Are you returning a book?" His voice was quiet, unlike akiko which was cheery. He nodded and gave the book to man, izuku was a bit hesitate due to the sharp nails.

"Do not be scared, my nails may be sharp but I have no intention of hurting you." Suddenly the person was smacked on the head.

"Stop being so emotionless Maori, anyways, I'm glad you met Izuku!"

"Being emotionless is apart of my quirk Akiko. You know this."

"Hm, anyways welcome back Izuku. This is Maori!"

"J-just Maori?" Izuku stuttered, he did not like Maori so far.

"Yes, I rather not say my last name."


"Don't worry izuku, he's really kind." Akiko assured him, izuku ran off to find more books he might like. Even if he met Akiko yesterday, he liked her for patching his wounds.

He saw a book about hero's and the different types, nobody seemed interested in it because they already knew alot about hero's. Or that's what they thought.

Unfortunately for him, it was high up. Something he can't reach. Curse his tiny height.

He started at the book, he wanted to add on his analysis for hero's. Especially ones he didn't know about.

"Do you need help there?" He jumped at the sudden voice, it seemed to be another worker. They had bright blue eyes and white hair that had a few bright blue streaks. Not to mention they seemed pale, they kinda reminded him of snow

"I w-want that book." He said pointing to it, the worker nodded and quickly grabbed it for him.

"My name is Yukio Shio, I assume you already know Akiko or Maori?" Izuku nodded, Yukio smiled.

"Great, I'm mostly over there" he pointed to a desk a little far from him.

"So if you need anything ask one of us here." Izuku nodded again, he was starting to like the people here. Not once have they asked about his quirk, harmed him, or anything bakugo would do.

Izuku smiled while looking down at his newly acquired book. He loved it here.


"Akiko, Please, calm down. I'm so glad Maori isn't crazy like you."

"Oh shush your trap! I'm just so excited!!"

"For what exactly?"

"I finally got an autograph from my favorite hero!"

"Oh, that's cool." Akiko stared at Yukio in disrespect

"Are you disrespecting All might?!"

"Let's be honest, All might sucks. I say Mirko is better" Yukio smirked when he saw a slight glance of her outburst.

"Whatever! You guys just suck." Yukio patted her back while laughing a bit, treating her like a child.

"Well, I hope someone finds that book." She said out of the blue.

"What book? Wait- you mean the book that old man gave you?"

"Yes Yukio! Jeez so dumb!"

"Im not dumb!" He yelled back

Maori sighed, thinking about his favorite thing, Sharks.


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