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2 years

Izuku has been visiting the library for 2 years. He's 8 years old now and has been training his body to become a hero.

Today, he would find something that would help him in the paths of being a hero.

Something people haven't used since words came


Izuku I was looking in the fantasy section of books when one caught his eye

A pure black book, he grabbed it from the shelf it has the words


He looked inside and it had unreadable words. But it had pictures of weird agilitys

He looked at the back of the book. Confused on what he found

"This book contains magic spells, only a few are worthy of actually performing a spell."

So that's why it was unreadable? Maybe Akiko knows something about it

Izukus Pov

I took the book to Akiko-san, she probably knows something about it right?

"Of course I know what this is about! I was hoping you'd be the one to find it."

I to let my head, what does she mean?

"It's a book about magic, like REAL magic. And I'm sure you should be able to perform a spell. This book was meant for people with no powers because this was made when quirks didn't exist."

"When quirks didn't exist? Then, why can't people with quirks use the spells?" I asked.

"Because, there's a chance they could weaken their quirks or even die. The person who created this put a spell on it that only a few worthy could chant the spells in this book. They restricted those who obtained any type of power in their body to use it. But before you ask, how they knew about quirks. It's because they had a quirk thereself. It was the ability to make magic spells and see the future, so who ever made this. Was the first person with a quirk."

I was shocked, first person with a quirk? And... How did Akiko-san know about all of this?

"Akiko-san, how do you know about this?"

"Because, it's a secret my family tells every child when their old enough to remember. We are related to the one who made this book. You know his how my eyes glow? I have a future seeing quirk. I occasionally use it on people who come to the library because my quirk will become weak and out of control if I don't. My family either has future seeing quirks or quirks that give them different magic spells."

It all made sense now. But, do the spells still work even?

"I can teach you how to use the spells. I'll teach you how to read these words to. Your quirkless right? Your still technically quirkless because you aren't born with a magic quirk. Your just learning it."

"Will you really teach me?" I was shocked. Me? Learning magic? But what if I wasn't worthy.

"Of course I will! Your my best friend even if your a child." I felt tears go to my eyes

Best friend? Akiko-san? I never had a best friend in so long..

"And Im sure Maori and Yukio will be glad to help you. I've taught them how to read this book, but they cannot perform the spells. "

I've gotten close with Maori over the years, but none of them told me their quirk. But Yukio's quirk might have something to do with Snow.

"What is Maori and Yukio's quirk?"

"I'm sure Yukio's is obvious. He can create snow our of thin air. He thought it wouldn't be useful for the hero course his quirk messed with his appearance because when he didn't have his quirk he have brown hair and blue eyes. Maori was the same, his quirk was weird so HE just called it Red vampire. The noticeable parts of his quirk is his nails and sharp teeth. But, IT also made it hard for him to show emotions for some reason, and it turned his hair red."

"Oh, they have interesting quirks."

"Yeah, I prefer his red hair because his hair used to be blonde! BLONDE!"

"Now we are learning magic, I'll teach ya the basic spells first and of course how to read this"

I might actually have a chance for UA!

"Thank you Akiko-san!!"


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