Chapter 1

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Darkness overflowed in a mind full of hurt. Darkness came because of "love" that was brought. Darkness stayed because so did he, and when he wanted to, he just could not do it.

He went through so many things.
Cuts and bruises, broken bones, and all, but they were healed with time that he ended up being more hurt.

Now, the life he sees for himself is a life he knows is dead because so is he, himself.

He feels every little pain but never screams because no one will save the day. Until that time comes around, he indures all that pain he knows will come around.

Closed doors, no windows, cold concrete ground, and all he had with him was what is on his body that was ripped, torn, and pretty much just looked like rags.  He had nothing to warm him up or to even feel like home because the 2 years of his life he had been there was too much that now he had no memory of where he came from.

Lost and lonely was the thought in his mind because he never knew where he came from or if his family was still around. He believes that now it's just him. So with that thought in mind, he had no one else to live for, so the next thought stuck around.


You put up a wall so that no one can get in because you're hurt because of the life that is yours.
This is the life that was brought to you since birth. A life that will haunt you till the ends of the earth, but just as life turns around for you, other things turn your way, and now you're stuck with this in the way.

With thoughts stuck in your mind and nothing is there to guide your way, you set your own brain on fire so that your life could just remain.


Everywhere I looked, every place that I saw was only dark with no light to see. I saw nothing but a pitch-black dark room, which was cold and empty, with only me sitting on the floor.

'I always wondered if my life would've been better if I had never had a life in the first place, but here I am alone in the dark, just waiting for the person to come in here and do his next job.' Jimin thought..


Alone once again, so many more bruises were made, and right now, I couldn't think of anything to keep myself alive. After this beating, the mysterious man left, and I had never seen him before, but I knew it was a man. His punches were hard, his kicks were harder, and the tone of his voice was deep. I knew he was a man even without looking at him. Even without a touch to his skin, I knew this man was a man from the beginning.

I don't know how long I've been here for, but I know that it's been for way too long. They feed me but not nice stuff, just the scraps from what they ate. They don't give me anything else, except just leave me right here on this cold concrete ground.

This beating was different. It was harder than it usually is, which means his day today was not a good day. He takes his anger and frustration out on me or whoever else he has down here because I know for one, I'm not the only one.

I knew I wasn't the only one because each year they had an event, where they took some of us to somewhere and never to be seen again. I've been to one of these events, and I always came back to this cold room.

There's more of us, but I know I'm the longest that he has ever held here. I know this because you can hear the little whispers of wanting to go home. You can hear the voices of people screaming, but they had no idea no one would ever be able to hear them.

I've screamed my lungs out to the point where I had no voice for a couple weeks. So screaming is pointless.

Cold breezy air flew around the place, making all the dust and dirt sway with the wind. Sway around the pitch-black room. All you could see were little specs of light. Like fireflies guiding your way home.

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