My name.....

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Park Jimin is the name I remember.
I know that I'm only 20. I just turned 20 not long ago... i know that for a fact... I've been here for 2 years because I've been here since I was 18...

It's the only thing i know is real to me. The only thing I know about myself is my name and my age, but being here gave me more things to be scared about.

You'd be scared to wonder if you're ever gonna get food.
Scared, just wondering if someone is looking for you.
Scared to be hurt every single night and day.
I was scared to speak because you were told to put a hand up before you could say a word.
You would be terrified to even close your eyes at night because you wouldn't know what would happen to you.

You would just be scared and terrified on what would happen next.

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