Overwhelming Emotions??

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Y/n: Yeah.
Steve: That bitch!
Y/n: Steve please, just take me home.
Steve: Yeah um, sorry Y/n. But seriously I gotta talk to him.
Y/n: Please don't.
Steve: So you want the rumor to continue? For people to believe you killed your boyfriend?
Y/n: No, I just don't want to make a big deal about it. * You said fidgeting with a ring on your finger*
Steve: Y/n, this is a big deal.
Y/n: Take me home Steve, now!
Steve: Alright, sorry.
* Steve shifted the car out of park and pressed lightly on the gas peddle, making the car accelerate. After ten minutes or so you arrived in front of your house. As soon as the car stopped you grabbed your backpack and rushed inside*
Steve: Y/n, wait!
Y/n: Leave me alone Steve!
Steve: Please Y/n!
Y/n: Fuck off! * You screamed*
* You didn't really understand why you were so mad. Was it because of Jason? Or was it because of the grief. You walked into your room and slammed the door shut, locking it. Seconds later Steve was knocking on the door*
Steve: Y/n please. We need to talk.
Y/n: Let me sleep.
Steve: All you ever do is sleep, never mind that all you do is cry! * He yelled*
Y/n: For good fucking reason Steve!
Steve: Y/n, please.
* You breathed in and out slowly and released the backpack from your grip making it fall to the ground. You sighed and slowly walked over to the door and unlocked it. You took a few steps back and sat on your bed. Steve walked into the room with an apologetic look on his face. He sat down beside you and said*
Steve: I'm sorry, for yelling at you.
Y/n: It's fine.
Steve: Y/n, I understand you're going through a lot, do you want to talk?
Y/n: Steve-
Steve: It might help.
* You sighed and rubbed your temples because of the never ending aching feeling*
Y/n: Sure.
* You and Steve laid down and looked up at the ceiling*
Y/n: You know, Eddie was a big part of my life. He helped me when you weren't there, when no one was. He showed me what it felt to be loved, to really be loved. The things he would say, the names he would call me. They would always give me this feeling in my stomach. It made me happy, hearing those words. Like when he calls me darling or princess, or when he says I love you or you look gorgeous. Eddie had this amazing sense of humor. Whenever he would hold me in his arms it would bring me a sense of comfort. But since he's gone. I feel afraid, scared, and paranoid all the time. I don't have him here to help me, he isn't here to wipe my tears or to hold me. It hurts, it hurts so much more than you imagine, Steve.
Steve: I'm so sorry, Y/n it wasn't your fault. You know that right?
~ ~ ~
Steve: You couldn't do anything, don't blame yourself.
Y/n: I could have stayed with him, in the Upside Down.
Steve: No, you did what you thought was right, and it was right. You made the choice to climb the rope because that was the only way of surviving.
Y/n: I'm sorry.
Steve: For what?
Y/n: For being such a mess. I never eat, move, or even sleep. Eddie was my life, Eddie was the reason I was still living. So many times had I thought I could slip away and no one would notice. But I soon realized Eddie would, he would notice, and so I chose not to go down that path. Instead I focused on Eddie. It's stupid but I miss his voice, his sparkling brown eyes, his beautiful hair. I can picture him in my mind, every last detail.
Steve: It's not stupid. Y/n, what your going through is a lot. I mean, I can't blame you for skipping school. I would as well if I saw someone die.
Y/n: He wasn't just someone Steve. He was Eddie, the kind hearted man I would walk hand in hand with. The man who would love me, kiss me, cherish me. He looked at me as if I was his whole world, and I eventually began to look at him the same.
Steve: I'd say talk to the counselor, maybe a therapist. Get these emotions out.
Y/n: Alright, thanks Steve. Thank you for listening to me.
Steve: Of course, that's what a brothers meant for.
Y/n: Hmm.
* Steve smiled and eventually walked out of the room. You stood up and changed into more comfortable clothing. You slipped on Eddie's denim jacket and fell to the mercy of your bed. You lay in your bed thinking, 'Thank you so much Steve, I really needed that'. You smiled weakly and covered yourself in blankets. You placed your head on a pillow and closed your eyes, falling asleep*

A/n: Yes Y/n did go asleep at like 4, we don't talk abt it okay.

( In The Morning )

* Your eyes slowly fluttered open as you felt the warmth of the sun on your skin. You groaned and turned in your bed. You didn't want to go to school today. Steve would understand. You then decided you were going to go back to sleep and skip school. You closed your eyes and let the darkness consume you as you fell asleep*

( After School )

* It was after school hours now. You were awoken by bangs on your door. You tried to ignore it but the bangs only became louder. Finally you groaned and said*
Y/n: What do you want! I'm sleeping!
Steve: We need to talk.
Y/n: Again? Steve I already told you everything now go away!
Steve: Y/n it's important.
Y/n: I bet it's not more important then my bed so piss off.
Steve: Y/n. * He said sternly*
~ ~ ~
Y/n: Fine.
* You sat up and watched as the door flung open*
Y/n: What's the big deal?
* Steve grinned and took a step forward and then left, revealing a man. Your mind was racing, your blood boiling, your cheeks flushed red. You were consumed by these overwhelming emotions to the point you could barely get a word out. You cleared your throat and forced a single word out of your mouth*
Y/n: Eddie!?

A/n: He's back! He's ain't dead. I hope you all enjoyed, yes there will be more. Bye!

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