The Reincarnation

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There you were.. Captured by Zalgo.. And awaiting your unruly fate with your best friend.. But how did you get here..? Was all of that time that was spent wasted..? No.. It wasn't.. You look up to see the familiar white head of your boss.. You and your friend were chained up, but he was still there.. Was he here to free you and your friend..? These questions were all in vain..

*You're going to be safe in another dimension...* He told us both through Telepathy.

"WHAT?! NO!! Let us free! We can still fight!" Your best friend shouted.

You stayed silent; you didn't know how to react to such betrayal. You saw four other people enter the room; you knew who they were... Two of them were yours, the other two were your friend's... Your boss told them that you two were to be sent away to another universe, they shouted in anger and in spite, full of denial for wanting you two to stay and that we can still fight and be useful... But no... It was already too late... You two were already fading out of this world that you lived in... You both cried as your lover's clinged to you while you slowly faded from existence... The next time you meet... You probably won't even remember their names... or the memories you had with them...


I woke up to the sound of my alarm and got out of bed while turning it off. I got dressed with my Ticci Toby hoodie around my waist, brushed my hair, then my teeth and put on a bit of blush & some chapstick. This was my daily morning routine, it was normal.

"(Y/N)! Your dad woke up late!" Mumza called.

"Dang it!" I said and sped walked to school, just being able to make it before my friend.

My friend just showed up as I set down my bags on the ledge, she walked over to me all excited with her computer in her hand.

"Hey (BFF/N)," I said as they walked up to me, "I just got here.."

"Seriously? Nice.." they said while smiling, "Anyways I was wondering, where did you get that hoodie? I mean I can't find it anywhere online.."

"I don't know.. It just showed up in my closet one day.. And for some reason I just felt.. Connected to it.. So I just wear it everyday now.." I replied.

"Yeah.. I know what you mean.. One time I was watching Mash on MeTV and I stared at the scalpel that Hawkeye was holding during one of the surgeries... It felt familiar.. And the same thing goes for this clown statue my dad has.. It's creepy as hell but for some reason I feel like it belongs with me.. You know..?" they had said.

"That's exactly what I was thinking when I found dad's old gameboy..! It's like I was lured to it..!" I said.

"Shut up! No you didn't..! Really?! A Gameboy?!" they asked, almost in a doubtful way.

"No! Seriously! It had this old game called legends of Zelda on it and I felt like I knew the main character!" I told her.

"...YOU MEAN THAT LITTLE BLONDE ELF IN A PETER PAN OUTFIT, LINK?!" they practically yelled while asking.

"Yeah..!" I said.

"How the fuck.. did you get attracted to a pixilated game character.. while I got stuck, WITH A CLOWN STATUE?! THAT STATUE HAUNTED MY NIGHTMARES SINCE I WAS LITTLE AND NOW I THINK THAT IT'S ATTRACTIVE!!" (BFF/N) had stated out loud, like really loud.

We both laugh after a minute of silence, just like we always did. Then the bell rings and we start walking to class while talking about stuff like My Hero Academia and Haikyu, telling her how I would totally cuddle with Nishanoia if he were here with me. Then I continued on my day like any the rest, going to my classes one by one until it was lunch time.

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