Ben's Insights

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I didn't like waiting for 'lunch time' as Lizabeth called it, I wanted to be with Kitty instead. So, I simply glitched into her phone again and watched her all day from her phone's camera lens. I noticed how differently she looked since she was reincarnated, her hair was curly and frizzy and she never put it up into a bun or braids, she had more freckles on her face and her eyes were chocolate brown instead of maple leaf green. If you asked me, it was rather interesting, but no one likes my opinion since I'm the pervert of the slender mansion and creepypastas, even though EJ is one too.

Kitty was more relaxed and always had her guard down, like she didn't have to fear of anything bad happening to her in this realm. When she sat, she slouched more, while she was walking, she was slower than I remembered, she had her earbuds in all the time and acted as if no one was in the world except her and the music she was listening to. 'It's like the total opposite of the Elyssia I had previously known... No trauma, no bad experiences... Nothing...' I thought to myself. Finally, when lunch time came, she didn't even bother to get lunch from the school's cafeteria. She just went outside under the canopy and read from the story app she had on her phone while listening to her music, my guess was that she was waiting for Lizabeth to arrive.

When Lizabeth did arrive, she walked over with a tray of the school food. She set it down and started talking to Elyssia almost instantly, t'was interesting to see that they were still friends even after the reincarnation.

(288 words)

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