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My eyes flutter open then I yawn before looking around, then got very confused. 'Huh?.. Where am I?.. Last thing I remember is.. being in my bed.. in my bedroom..' I thought while looking around. I was in an eerily creepy abandoned looking carnival, the gates were torn down and some merry-go-round horses were laying on the fence. The tents and games were filthy, and the stuffed prizes looked almost nightmarish.

I hopped over the pile of trash that used to be the welcoming are, then slowly headed down the dirt path. I looked at all the stands, noticing how some were ripped while others were withered by time and colors either faded out or blended together. The faint yet pleasant smell of cotton candy and popcorn lingered in the air, while I was getting closer to the tent in the middle of the carnival.

I saw a Ferris Wheel in the distance just past the tent in the middle, it looked slanted and like it might fall off it's hinges. Not far past that I saw some roller coasters, but not like the everyday made of metal ones like you would see at a theme park, more like one of those earlier rollercoasters that was made of wood and scaffolding. 'I don't think I trust the stability of those coasters enough to ride one.. The hell am I thinking?! It's too dangerous to ride one anyways!..' I thought while coming closer to the giant circus tent. I heard some faint music coming from the tent as I drew closer, sounding like something that you would hear from a Jack-In-The-Box. Before I could reach out to open the curtain, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It caused me to jump while letting out a slight scream, then I turn to see Toby before calming down.

"Toby, you scared me.. Do you know where we are?.. Do you know what this place is?.." I asked him.

"W-We're *Tick* In La-La-Laughing Ja- *whistle* Jack's music b-box re-re-realm.." He answered.

"This is what's inside his music box??" I asked, Toby nodding as an answer, "This place looks cool and creepy all at once.."

Toby chuckled then pulls her close by the waist, "Would you l-like to *Whistle* Go o-on a da-da-da- *Tick, Tick* Date with m-me and B-Ben?.." He asked.

I stared up at him and noticed a bit of blush on his cheeks, even though his mask hid half of his face. I couldn't help but smile, "I'd love to.. And.. Where's Ben?.." I replied then looked around.

 "Right here, Kitty~.." I heard from behind me while 2 more hands wrap around my front and something presses against my back. 

I shuttered from the tone of voice before looking up and seeing Ben, he was staring down at me with a calm but crazed look in his eyes. His red glowing pupils turned into hearts while he had a wide, sensual smirk on his face. I smiled a little while feeling my cheeks warm up, I realized that I was being sandwiched between these two and that I was trapped. 

"S-So.. What are we doing first?.." I asked them. 

They let go of me and I held their hands while they led me into the giant circus tent, the sound of the music playing a bit louder in here yet still faint enough to make it seem hauntly. They had me sit down on the bleachers while they sat on either side of me, I looked at them both, but the only reassurance was a smirk from Ben and a smile from Toby. An explosion of smoke suddenly appeared in the center of the tent, which made me jump. Laughing Jack appeared while laughing insanely then a bunch of dead children started coming from all sides of the tent from the shadows, going over to Jack and standing around him.

"Welcome one! Welcome all! To the Circus of the Dead!" LJ said then cackled again, "Be amazed by how these children preform for you tonight while still decaying and spilling candy from their guts!"

I looked at Toby and Ben again, Ben smirked while Toby held my hand gently in his. I leaned against Toby and watched as the dead children started preforming professional Circus acts, some of them doing acrobatics while others acted like clowns. Despite the dead children being creepy and the gross bloody candy getting everywhere the show was actually really entertaining, when it finished Toby and Ben led me back out of the tent and got me some cotton candy.  I ate it happily, taking some onto my finger then sucking it off, occasionally I offered some to Toby and Ben and they ate it out of my hand.

"So where to next?" I asked while finishing the cotton candy, then tossing the holder it was on in the nearest trash can.

"H-How about we g-go on a *Tick, tick, tick* r-rollerco-coaster ri-ri- *Whistle* Ride?" Toby asked.

"I dunno.. those rollercoasters seem a little unsteady and unsafe.." 

"Oh come on, Kitty.." Ben said while pulling me close by the waist, then cupping his hand under my chin to make me look up at him. "Live a little Dangerous.. We won't let anything hurt you.. You were always so ready to get dirty and dangerous.. just let us have a bit of fun~.." He said in that smooth sultry voice that sent chills down my spine.

"Erm.. I.. guess.. I could go on one.. if it makes you both happy.." 

"Such a good little Kitty~.." 

I gulped while feeling my face heat up, Toby pulled me away from Ben thankfully and hugged me gently. I smiled while hugging back, calming down from Ben's flirtatious advances. Toby let go and stepped back then gently took my hand in his before walking around the tent, Ben floating above us while following. We headed over to the rides and looked at each of them, Ben suggested a really big one and I felt myself getting nauseous just from looking at it, so obviously we didn't go on it.

Once we chose one of the rollercoasters we got into the carts after ben started it, the metal bars closing over our laps. I was sitting in between Ben and Toby while getting a bit nervous, at least I knew that I wouldn't fly off the cart since I wasn't on the sides. The coaster started ascending upwards while I hugged Toby's arm tightly, to which he chuckles a bit while Ben looked ready to ride the coaster. Once the coaster was finished, we got out then headed to the next ride.

Soon we rode every ride in the carnival and sadly the date was coming to an end, the only thing left was the Ferris Wheel. We thought it would be too boring, so we just headed back to the giant circus tent. When we got there I turned to look at the boys, I smiled at them and they smiled back. 

"I really enjoyed this date with you two.." I said.

"We enjoyed the date too, Kitty.." Ben said.

"I-Indeed we d-di-did.. I ca-ca- *Tick, Tick* Can't wait t-till our n-next one.." Toby said.

"Me neither.. I had a blast.." I said while smiling.

The boys leaned down and they both planted a kiss on my cheeks, I smiled then yawned. Before I knew it I was in my bed under the covers, I looked around in confusion. 'Was it all a dream?..' I thought to myself, I looked at the time and saw that it was three in the morning, then went to sleep.

(1255 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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