The Clown

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(This is in your BFF's perspective, I repeat.. In your BFF's perspective...!)

I woke up and yawned, scratching my head before grabbing my glasses from under my pillow then getting down from the top bunk of my bed. I got my shoes on then took the dog out to use the restroom before heading back inside and getting ready for school. I grabbed my computer and phone off the charger and put them in the computer case pocket, then changed my clothes and got my boots on. I played some Minecraft for a little bit then turned off the council before getting up and grabbing my backpack and computer, I then noticed a strange little box in my closet and went to look at it.

It looked very old and kind of like a jack in the box, only more of a music box instead. The paint on it was worn away and it became an ashy brown color from the number of years it must have endured, I looked at the engravings under the box and it read 'Laughing Jack in a Box'. 'Odd.. I don't remember any Jack-in-a-box having the word laughing at the beginning... Unique...! Imma show it to (Y/N)!' I thought to myself then put it into my backpack carefully. I headed to the bus stop and caught the bus just in time before it left, then waited for it to arrive at school.

When I got off the bus at school I walked over to (Y/N) and saw two grown men with them, hugging and smothering them as if they was royalty. One of them had fluffy blonde hair and the green elf clothes and ears, but his eyes.. His eyeballs were tainted dark red with blood and he had bright red pupils glowing through the blood that dripped out of his eyes and down his face, the other had maroon brown short haired guy with goggles on his head and a mask resting around his neck, he had ripped blue jeans and a white T-shirt on, while two axes were strapped in his belt he had deep chocolate brown eyes. I ran over and drop kicked one of them off of her, then kicked the other in the nuts and smiled when he dropped to his knees.

"(BFF) no..! Usually I would approve of this but not this time..! Don't hurt them..!" (Y/N) said.

The two men got up after they felt better and went back over to (Y/N), while I was standing there confused out of my mind, "Is your head okay? Did you hit your head, (Y/N)? You're usually never like this when two strangers are smothering you with their undivided attention..-" I asked.

"You're right, but this situation is different.. You see.. These two aren't actually strangers.. They're uh.. My boyfriends.. From another Dimension.." (Y/N) said.

I stared at her dumbfoundedly, processing what she said in my head, "Huh?-" I asked.

(Y/N) sighed, "They're my boyfriends.." They said again.

I looked between them then back at her, "They look like they're too old to even be in school.. Are you sure they're your boyfriends..? How did you even get not 1 but 2 boyfriends in one night??" I asked.

"They crawled out of my computer and they're hot as hell so I decided why not listen to their bologna story and believe that they're actually my boyfriends..?" They explained.

"Oh really? Then kiss them and maybe I'll believe you.." I said while crossing my arms.

The two men looked at me and then looked at (Y/N), the blondie had a smirk on his face and the brunette was just smiling calmly. (Y/N)'s face turned a bright red and they looked up between the two men nervously, the blondie cupped his hand under their chin and lifted their head to look at him then kissed them softly on the lips. I was shocked and completely bewildered that it was actually happening. After the blondie pulled away, the brunette then did the same and kissed them softly on the lips as well after taking his mask off. After the brunette stopped (Y/N)'s whole face was red, their lips were a bit red and plump from the kissing and they just looked like a flustered mess.

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